LM382N ,40 V, 20 mA, low noise dual preamplifierFeatures
I Low noise - 0.8 MV total equivalent input noise
I High gain - 100 dB open loop
I ..
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40 V, 20 mA, low noise dual preamplifier
National _
_ Semiconductor
LM382 Low Noise Dual Preamplifier
General Descriptlon
The LM382 is a dual preamplifier for the amplification of low
level signals in applications requiring optimum noise per-
formance. Each of the two amplifiers is completely indepen-
dent, with individual internal power supply decouplttrsgula-
tor, providing 120 dB supply rejection and 60 dB channel
separation. Other outstanding features include high gain
(100 dB), and wide power bandwidth (75 kHz, 20 Vp-p). The
LM382 operates from a single supply across the wide range
of 9V to 40V.
A resistor matrix is provided on the chip to allow the user to
select a variety of closed loop gain options and frequency
response characteristics such as flat-band, NAB or RIAA
equalization. The circuit is supplied in the 14 lead dual-in-
line package.
a Low noise - 0.8 pV total equivalent input noise
I: High gain - 100 dB open loop
a Single supply operation
" Wide supply range 9V to 40V
" Power supply rejection - 120 dB
a Large output voltage swing
a Wide bandwidth - 15 MHz unity gain
I: Power bandwidth - 75 kHz, 20 Vp-p
u Internally compensated
a Short circuit protected
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Dual-ln-Line Package
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Top View
Order Number LM382N
See NS Package Number N14A
ll It)
l) 2, 1:) 4510) (L tg. I)
TL/ H /7842-1
Absolute Maximum Ratings
" Mllltary/Aerospace speclfled dovlces are required, Operating Temperature Range trc to + 7ty'G
please contact the Natlonal Semiconductor Sales Storage Temperature Range -65'C to +15ty'C
OtfltNt/Dlstrlbutttrs for availability and trpettmeatlorttr. L e a d T e m p e r atu r e (S ol d eri n g, 10 sec.) + 2600
Supply Voltage + 40V
Power Dissipation (Note 1) 1.56 W
Electrical Characteristics TA = 25'C, Vcc = 14V, unless otherwise stated.
Parameter Cttrtdltlttrttt Min Typ Max Units
Voltage Gain Open Loop, t = 100 Hz 100,000 V/V
Supply Current Vcc 9V to 40V, RL = 00 10 20 mA
Output DC Voltage 6 V
Input Resistance
(Positive Input) 100 kn
(Negative Input) 200 kn
Input Current
(Negative Input) 0.5 HA
Output Resistance Open Loop 150 n
Output Current Source 8 mA
Sink 2 mA
Output Voltage Swing Peak-to-Peak, RL = 10k 12 V
Unity Gain Bandwidth 15 MHz
Power Bandwidth 20 Vp-p (VCC = 24V) 75 kHz
Maximum Input Voltage Linear Operation 300 mVrms
Supply Fleiection Ratio f = 1 kHz 120 dB
Channel Separation f = 1 kHz 40 60 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion 60 dB Gain,t = 1 kHz 0.1 0.3 %
2tf,Equiv"'ntl'mut 'Jti2t,'Jd,1treito)00Hz 0.8 1.2 pWrrns
Note t.. For operation in ambient temperatures above 25T, the device must be derated based on a 1500 maximum junction temperature and a thermal resistance
of BO‘C/W junction to ambient
Typical Applications
Tape Preamp (NAB Equalization)
o-yr-T-- t."
Flat Response - Fixed Gain Contlguratlon
Phono Preamp (RiAA Equalization)
Capacltor Gain
Cl Only 40 dB
C2 Only 55 dB
C1 & C2 80 dB
Typical Performance Characteristics
Large Signal Frequency
Response " Vcc vs
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