LM381AN ,LM381/LM381A Low Noise Dual PreamplifierPin Description (Low-Side, LM3815)Pin Name Function1 SENSE+, GND High side of internal current sens ..
LM381AN ,LM381/LM381A Low Noise Dual PreamplifierApplicationsn Battery charge/discharge gaugen Motion control diagnosticsn Power supply load monitor ..
LM381N ,LM381/LM381A Low Noise Dual PreamplifierfeaturesincludehighYbLarge output voltage swing (V 2V)p-pCCbgain (112 dB), large output voltage swi ..
I Input protection diodes
I Good control on sensitivity
I Improved sm and tweet
LM3822MM-1.0 ,Precision Current Gauge IC with Internal Zero Ohm Sense Element and PWM OutputLM3822 Precision Current Gauge IC with Internal Zero Ohm Sense Element and PWM OutputNovember 2000L ..
LM3822MM-2.0 ,Precision Current Gauge IC with Internal Zero Ohm Sense Element and PWM OutputGeneral Description1.8 µA)The LM3822 Current Gauge provides easy to use precisionn 50 msec sampling ..
LMV712MMX ,Low Power, Low Noise, High Output, RRIO Dual Operational Amplifier with Independent Shutdownapplications requiringn 5 MHz GBPRail-to-Rail inputs combined with speed and low noise. Theyn Slew ..
LMV712TLX/NOPB ,Low Pwr, Low Noise, High Output, RRIO Dual Op Amp w/ Independent Shutdown 10-DSBGA -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LMV712-N devices are high-performance1• Available In Automotive AEC-Q100 ..
LMV715IDBVR ,Single Low-Power RRIO Operational Amplifiers With High Output Current Drive And Shutdown 6-SOT-23 -40 to 85
LMV7219M5 ,7 nsec, 2.7V to 5V Comparator with Rail-to- Rail OutputFeaturesThe LMV7219 is a low-power, high-speed comparator with (V =5V,T = 25˚C, Typical values unle ..
LMV7219M5X ,7 nsec, 2.7V to 5V Comparator with Rail-to- Rail OutputFeatures List 1• Changed Operating Temperature to Ambient Temperature ........ 4• Added Junction Te ..
LMV7219M5X ,7 nsec, 2.7V to 5V Comparator with Rail-to- Rail OutputApplicationsn Portable and battery-powered systemsn Scannersn Set top boxesn High speed differentia ..
LM381/LM381A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier
Fast Current Gauge IC with Ultra Low Loss Sense
Element and PWM Output
General DescriptionThe LM3814/LM3815 Current Gauges provide easytouse
precision current measurement with virtually zero insertion
loss (typically 0.004Ω). The LM3814is usedfor high-side
sensingandthe LM3815is usedfor low-side sensing. Delta Sigma analogto digital converteris incorporatedto
precisely measurethe currentandto provide acurrent aver-
aging function. Currentis averaged over6 msec time peri-
odsin orderto provide immunityto current spikes.TheICs
havea pulse-width modulated(PWM) output which indicates
the current magnitudeand direction.The shutdownpincan usedto inhibit false triggering during start-up,orto enterlow quiescent current mode.
The LM3814 andLM3815are factory-setin twodifferentcur-
rent options.The sense rangeis −1Ato +1Aor −7Ato +7A.
The user specifiesa particularpart numberto matchthecur-
rent rangefora given application.The sampling intervalfor
these partsis 6ms.If larger sampling intervalis desiredfor
better accuracy, please refertothe data sheetsforthepart
numbers LM3812and LM3813.
Key Specifications Ultralow insertion loss (typically 0.004Ω)2Vto 5.25V supply range ±3.5% accuracyat room temperature (includes
accuracyofthe internal sense element) (LM3814-1.0,
LM3815-1.0) Low quiescent currentin shutdown mode (typically2.5
μA)6 msec sampling interval
FeaturesNo external sense element required PWM output indicatesthe current magnitudeand
direction PWM outputcanbe interfaced with microprocessors PrecisionΔΣ current-sense technique Low temperature sensitivity Internal filtering rejects false trips Internal Power-On-Reset (POR)
Applications Battery charge/discharge gauge Motion control diagnostics Power supply load monitoringand management Resettable smart fuse
Connection DiagramsDS101013-1
Top View
for High-Side SensingDS101013-3
Top View
for Low-Side SensingJanuary 1999
Output 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101013