LM380N ,2.5W Audio Power AmplifierLM380 2.5W Audio Power AmplifierAugust 2000LM3802.5W Audio Power AmplifierAselected part for more p ..
LM380N-8 ,2.5W Audio Power AmplifierGeneral Descriptionavailable as the LM384. For more information see AN-69.The LM380 is a power audi ..
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LMV710M5X ,Low Power, RRIO Operational Amplifiers with High Output Current Drive and Shutdown OptionMaximum Ratings(1)(2)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT ..
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2.5W Audio Power Amplifier
2.5W Audio Power Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM380isa power audio amplifierfor consumer applica-
tions.In orderto hold system costtoa minimum, gainis
internally fixedat34 dB.A unique input stage allows ground
referenced input signals. The output automatically self-
centersto one-half the supply voltage.
The outputis short circuit proof with internal thermal limiting.
The package outlineis standard dual-in-line. The LM380N
usesa copper lead frame. The center three pinson either
side comprisea heat sink. This makes the device easyto
usein standard PC layouts.
Uses include simple phonograph amplifiers, intercoms, line
drivers, teaching machine outputs, alarms, ultrasonic driv-
ers,TV sound systems, AM-FM radio, small servo drivers,
power converters, etc. selected partfor more poweron higher supply voltagesis
availableasthe LM384. For more information see AN-69.
Features Wide supply voltage range: 10V-22V Low quiescent power drain: 0.13W (VS= 18V) Voltage gain fixedat50 High peak current capability: 1.3A Input referencedto GND High input impedance: 150kΩ Low distortion Quiescent output voltageisat one-halfof the supply
voltage Standard dual-in-line package
Connection Diagrams (Dual-In-Line Packages, Top View)
Order Number LM380N
SeeNS Package Number N14A
Order Number LM380N-8
See NS Package Number N08E
August 2000