LM369DM ,Precision Voltage Referenceapplications it may be advantageous to pre-load the output to either V or to ground, to avoid this ..
LM369DM ,Precision Voltage ReferenceLM169/LM369PrecisionVoltageReferenceDecember1994LM169/LM369PrecisionVoltageReferenceGeneralDescript ..
LM369DN ,Precision Voltage ReferenceFeaturesYLow Tempco 3 ppm/ C (max)The LM169/LM369 are precision monolithic temperature- §Ycompensat ..
LM3700XCBP-290 ,Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit with Low Line OutputPin DescriptionsBump No. Name FunctionB1 V Power Supply input.CCC1 RESET Reset Logic Output. Pulses ..
LM3702XCBP-308 ,Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits with Low Line Output and Manual ResetPin DescriptionsBump No. Name FunctionA1 MR Manual-Reset input. When MR is less than V (Manual Rese ..
LM3703XCBP-308 ,Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits with Low Line Output and Manual ResetGeneral Descriptionn Manual-Reset inputThe LM3702/LM3703 series of microprocessor supervisoryn RESE ..
LMV393M ,Dual General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny Pack ComparatorElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25˚C, V+ = 2.7V, R = 5.1 kΩ, V− = 0V.J LSymbol Parameter Conditions T ..
LMV393MM ,Dual General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny Pack ComparatorFeaturesThe LMV393 and LMV339 are low voltage (2.7-5V) versions (For 5V Supply, Typical Unless Othe ..
LMV393MMX ,Dual General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny Pack ComparatorFeaturesThe LMV393 and LMV339 are low voltage (2.7-5V) versions (For 5V Supply, Typical Unless Othe ..
LMV393MX ,Dual General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny Pack ComparatorLMV331 Single / LMV393 Dual / LMV339 Quad General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny PackComparatorsJune 20 ..
LMV393QDRQ1 ,Automotive Catalog Dual General Purpose Low-Voltage Comparator 8-SOIC -40 to 125FEATURESLMV393...D PACKAGE• Qualified for Automotive Applications(TOP VIEW)• 2.7-V and 5-V Performa ..
LMV431ACM5 ,Low-Voltage (1.24V) Adjustable Precision Shunt RegulatorsApplicationstial tolerances of 1.5%, 1% and 0.5%, and functionally lendsn Shunt Regulatorthemselves ..
Precision Voltage Reference
December 1994
LM169/LM369 Precision Voltage Reference
General Description
The LM169/LM369are precision monolithic temperature-
compensated voltage references. Theyare basedonabur-
ied zener referenceas pioneeredinthe LM199 references,
butdonot requireany heater,as theyrelyon special tem-
perature-compensation techniques (Patent Pending). The
LM169 makesuseof thin-film technology enhancedbythe
discrete laser trimmingof resistorsto achieve excellent
Temperature coefficient (Tempco)of Vout(as lowas1
ppm/§C), alongwith tight initial tolerances(aslowas 0.05%
max). Thetrim schemeis suchthat individual resistorsare
cut open rather than being trimmed (partially cut),to avoid
resistordrift causedby electromigrationinthe trimmed area.
The LM169 also provides excellent stabilityvs. changesin
input voltageand output current (both sourcingand sinking).
The devices havea 10.000V outputandwill operateinei-
ther seriesor shunt mode;the outputis short-circuit-proofto
ground.A trimpin isavailable whichpermits fine-trimmingof
Vout,and also permits filteringto greatly decreasetheout-
put noiseby addinga small capacitor (0.05to0.5 mF).
Features Low Tempco 3 ppm/§C (max) Excellent initial accuracy g5mV (max) Excellentline regulation 4 ppm/V (max) Excellent output impedance g0.8X (max) Excellent thermal regulation g20 ppm/100 mW (max) Low noise Easyto filter output noise Operatesin seriesor shunt mode
Applications High-Resolution Data Acquisition Systems Digitalvolt meters Weighing systems Precision current sources Test Equipment
Connection Diagrams
MetalCan Package(H)
Top View
(Caseis connectedto ground.)
*Donotconnect; internalconnectionforfactorytrims.
OrderNumberLM169H, LM169BH,
LM169H/883, LM369H orLM369BH
SeeNS Package Number H08C
Dual-In-Line Package(N) S.O. Package(M)
Order NumberLM369DM,LM369DMX,**LM369N,
LM369BN, LM369CNor LM369DN
See NSPackageNumber M08Aor N08E
**X denotes2500unitsonTapeandReeland isnot includedinthe device
part number marking
TO-226 PlasticPackage (RC)
Order NumberLM369DRC
See NSPackageNumber RC03A
TeflonÉandMylarÉare registeredtrademarksofE.I.DuPontCorp.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.