LM368H-2.5 ,LM368-2.5 Precision Voltage ReferenceFeaturesY400 mA operating currentThe LM368-2.5 is a precision, monolithic, temperature-com-Ypensate ..
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LM369BN ,Precision Voltage ReferenceApplicationscut open rather than being trimmed (partially cut), to avoidYresistordriftcausedbyelect ..
LM369CN ,Precision Voltage ReferenceApplicationscut open rather than being trimmed (partially cut), to avoidYresistordriftcausedbyelect ..
LM369DM ,Precision Voltage Referenceapplications it may be advantageous to pre-load the output to either V or to ground, to avoid this ..
LMV393IDRG4 ,Dual General Purpose Low-Voltage Comparator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LMV393 and LMV339 devices are low-voltage1• 2.7-V and 5-V Performance(2.7 ..
LMV393IPW ,Dual General Purpose Low-Voltage ComparatorElectrical Characteristics, V = 5 V..... 6CC+12.2 Trademarks..... 137.7 Switching Characteristics, ..
LMV393IPWR ,Dual General Purpose Low-Voltage ComparatorElectrical Characteristics, V = 2.7 V.. 5CC+12.1 Related Links.. 137.6
LMV393M ,Dual General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny Pack ComparatorElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25˚C, V+ = 2.7V, R = 5.1 kΩ, V− = 0V.J LSymbol Parameter Conditions T ..
LMV393MM ,Dual General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny Pack ComparatorFeaturesThe LMV393 and LMV339 are low voltage (2.7-5V) versions (For 5V Supply, Typical Unless Othe ..
LMV393MMX ,Dual General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny Pack ComparatorFeaturesThe LMV393 and LMV339 are low voltage (2.7-5V) versions (For 5V Supply, Typical Unless Othe ..
LM368-2.5 Precision Voltage Reference
December 1994
LM368-2.5 Precision Voltage Reference
General Description
The LM368-2.5isa precision, monolithic, temperature-com-
pensated voltage reference. The LM368-2.5 makesuseof
thin-film technology enhancedbythe discrete laser trim-
mingof resistorsto achieve excellent Temperature coeffi-
cient (Tempco)of VOUT(aslowas11 ppm/§C), along with
tight initial tolerance,(aslowas 0.02%).Thetrim schemeis
suchthat individual resistorsarecut open rather than being
trimmed (partially cut),to avoid resistordrift causedby elec-
tromigrationinthe trimmed area. The LM368-2.5 also pro-
vides excellent stabilityvs. changesin input voltage and
output current.The outputis short circuit proof.Atrimpinis
made availableforfine trimmingof VOUTorfor obtaining
intermediate values without greatly affectingthe Tempcoof
the device.
Features 400mA operating current Low output impedance Excellentline regulation (.0001%/V typical) Single-supply operation Externally trimmable Low temperature coefficient Excellent initial accuracy (0.02% typical) Best reference availablefor low-voltage operation
(VSe5V, VREFe 2.500V)
Connection Diagram
Metal CanPackage(TO-5)
Top View
*case connectedtoVb
Order Number LM368H-2.5 LM368YH-2.5
SeeNS PackageNumberH08C
Typical Applications
LowVoltage Reference
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.