LM3658SD/NOPB ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85Connection Diagram and Package Mark Information1 10 10 19 22 9Die-Attach Die-Attach Pad (DAP)3 8 8 ..
LM3658SD/NOPB ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics tables.(3) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please ..
LM3658SD-A/NOPB ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM3658 is a single chip charger IC designed for2• Integrated Power FETs wit ..
LM3658SD-B/NOPB ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics tables.(2) All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pin ..
LM3658SDX ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applicationsapplications. It can safely charge and maintain a single n Charges from either an AC wall adapter o ..
LM3658SDX ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable ApplicationsApplicationsmeasurement and multiple safety timers. The LM3658 pro-n Smartphonesvides two open-drai ..
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LMV358AMU8X ,Dual, General Purpose, Low Cost, RRO AmplifierFeatures at +2.7V DescriptionThe LMV321 (single), LMV358 (dual), and LMV324 (quad)•80μA supply curr ..
LMV358ID ,Dual Low-Voltage Rail-to-Rail Output Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT(2) ..
LMV358ID ,Dual Low-Voltage Rail-to-Rail Output Operational AmplifierTable of Contents8.1 Overview.. 161
Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85
1 PF Battery
1 PF
1 PF
4.5V to 6V handheld applications.It can safely charge and
Regulation maintaina single cell Li-Ion/Polymer battery operating
• Charges from Either an AC Wall Adapteror froman AC wall adapteror USB power source. Input
USB Power Source with Automatic Source power source selectionof USB/ACis automatic. With
Selection both power sources present, the AC power source
has priority. Charge currentis programmed through
• 50 mAto 1000 mA Charge Currents Using AC an external resistor when operating from an AC wall
Wall Adapter adapter allowing charge currents from 50 mAto 1000
• Pin-Selectable USB Charge Currentsof 100 mA. When the batteryis charged using USB power,
mAor 500 mA charge currents of 100 mA or 500 mA are pin-
LDO Mode with 1Aof Source Currentis selectable. The termination voltageis controlledto
within ±0.35%of 4.2V.
Automatically Invoked When
Absent and the AC Wall Adapter Continuous Battery Temperature• Built-in Multiple Safety Timers• Charge Status Indication• Continuous Over-current and temperature.
Protection The LM3658 operatesin five modes: pre-qualification
• Near-depleted Battery Pre-conditioning mode, constant-current mode, constant-voltage
Sleep Mode with Ultra Low mode, top-off mode and maintenance mode.
Additionally, the charger IC operates asa linear
• On-board Kelvin-sensing Achieves ±0.35% regulatorin “LDO mode”, when the AC wall adapteris
Termination Accuracy connected and no batteryis present. Optimal battery
• Maintenance Mode with Automatic Recharge managementis obtained through thermal regulation,
Thermally Enhanced3 mmx3 mm WSON battery temperature measurement and multiple safety
timers. The LM3658 provides two open-drain outputs
Packagefor LED status indicationor connectionto GPIOs.
APPLICATIONS Typical Application