LM3621M ,Single Cell Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerFeaturesprovides1%regulationaccuracyoverthespecifiedtempera-ture range without requiring the use of ..
LM3621M ,Single Cell Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerPin DescriptionPin No. Symbol I/O Description1V + I Battery pack high side sense input.BAT2V − I Ba ..
LM3621M ,Single Cell Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerApplicationsers,comparators,andanoutputbuffer.TheLM3621isavail-n Complete, full function, protected ..
LM3621M-3.0 ,Single Cell Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerPin DescriptionPin No. Symbol I/O Description1V + I Battery pack high side sense input.BAT2V − I Ba ..
LM3622 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerGeneral Descriptionwhen the cell voltage drops below a preset limit. The LVSELThe LM3622 is a charg ..
LM3622AM-4.1 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerGeneral Descriptionwhen the cell voltage drops below a preset limit. The LVSELThe LM3622 is a charg ..
LMV342MM ,Single with Shutdown/Dual/Quad General Purpose, 2.7V, Rail-to-Rail Output, 125°C, Operational AmplifiersGeneral Descriptionstrained PC board requirements include portable electronicsThe LMV341/342/344 ar ..
LMV342MM/NOPB ,Single w/ Shutdown/Dual/Quad Gen Purpose, 2.7V, Rail-to-Rail Output, 125C, Op Amps 8-VSSOP -40 to 125 SNOS990H–APRIL 2002–REVISED JUNE 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDCK Package6-Pin SC70Top Vie ..
LMV342MMX ,Single with Shutdown/Dual/Quad General Purpose, 2.7V, Rail-to-Rail Output, 125°C, Operational AmplifiersApplicationsLMV341/342/344areguaranteedtooperateoverthevoltagerange of 2.7V to 5.0V and all have ra ..
LMV344IDR ,Quad Rail-To-Rail Output CMOS Operational Amplifier with Shutdown 14-SOIC -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics: V = 5 V 6+11.2 Community Resources...... 186.7 Shutdown Characteristics ..
LMV344IDRG4 ,Quad Rail-To-Rail Output CMOS Operational Amplifier with Shutdown 14-SOIC -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LMV34x devices are single, dual, and quad1• 2.7-V and 5-V PerformanceCMOS ..
LMV344IPW ,Quad Rail-To-Rail Output CMOS Operational Amplifier with Shutdown 14-TSSOP -40 to 125features of the family are a 20-nV/√Hzvoltage noise at 10 kHz, 1-MHz unity-gain bandwidth,• ESD Pro ..
Single Cell Lithium-Ion Battery Charger Controller
Single Cell Lithium-Ion Battery Charger Controller
General DescriptionThe LM3621isa full function constant voltage, constant
current (CVCC) lithium-ion (Li+) battery charger controller.It
provides1% regulation accuracy overthe specified tempera-
ture range without requiring the useof external precision
resistors. TheIC controls five charge modes: conditioning,
fast, top-off, monitor and maintenance.In addition, the
LM3621 detects and flags defective batteriesas wellas over
current and over voltage fault events. The architectureoftheis basedon high gain constant voltage and constant
current control loops.
The LM3621is designedto controla switching charger,a
linear chargeroran off-lineac adapter charger.
The LM3621 consistsofa logic controller, precision bandgap
reference, wide bandwidth transconductance error amplifi-
ers, comparators, andan output buffer. The LM3621is avail-
ableina 16-pin SOIC package andis specified over the
rangeof 0˚Cto 70˚C.
Key Specifications Tight output voltage accuracy (±0.5%atTA= 25˚C) Two selectable output voltages (4.2Vor 4.1V) Less than1µA current drain from fully charged battery Preconditioning severely discharged cells (0Vto 2.55V)
Features Automatic end-of-charge control Presetor user adjustable charge current regulation LED driversfor charging status and fault indication Battery self-discharge refresh (maintenance) Overvoltage/overcurrent fault detection and protection Defective battery pack detection Charge current boost controlfor cellular phone
applications Charge interruption control input
Applications Complete,full function, protected battery chargerfor
cokeor graphite anode, single cell Lithium-Ion battery
packs Linear voltage regulator controlled chargers High efficiency switching regulator controlled chargers Cost effective wall adapter chargers
Typical Application1A, 4.1V CVCC Linear Chargerfor Graphite Anode Lithium-Ion Battery
May 1998