LM3621M-3.0 ,Single Cell Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerPin DescriptionPin No. Symbol I/O Description1V + I Battery pack high side sense input.BAT2V − I Ba ..
LM3622 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerGeneral Descriptionwhen the cell voltage drops below a preset limit. The LVSELThe LM3622 is a charg ..
LM3622AM-4.1 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerGeneral Descriptionwhen the cell voltage drops below a preset limit. The LVSELThe LM3622 is a charg ..
LM3622AM-4.1. ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerLM3622 Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerFebruary 2000LM3622Lithium-Ion Battery Charger Control ..
LM3622AM-4.2 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerLM3622 Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerFebruary 2000LM3622Lithium-Ion Battery Charger Control ..
LM3622AM-8.2 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerFeaturesThe LM3622 accepts input voltages from 4.5V to 24V. Con-n Versions for charging of 1 cell ( ..
LMV342MMX ,Single with Shutdown/Dual/Quad General Purpose, 2.7V, Rail-to-Rail Output, 125°C, Operational AmplifiersApplicationsLMV341/342/344areguaranteedtooperateoverthevoltagerange of 2.7V to 5.0V and all have ra ..
LMV344IDR ,Quad Rail-To-Rail Output CMOS Operational Amplifier with Shutdown 14-SOIC -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics: V = 5 V 6+11.2 Community Resources...... 186.7 Shutdown Characteristics ..
LMV344IDRG4 ,Quad Rail-To-Rail Output CMOS Operational Amplifier with Shutdown 14-SOIC -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LMV34x devices are single, dual, and quad1• 2.7-V and 5-V PerformanceCMOS ..
LMV344IPW ,Quad Rail-To-Rail Output CMOS Operational Amplifier with Shutdown 14-TSSOP -40 to 125features of the family are a 20-nV/√Hzvoltage noise at 10 kHz, 1-MHz unity-gain bandwidth,• ESD Pro ..
LMV344IPWG4 ,Quad Rail-To-Rail Output CMOS Operational Amplifier with Shutdown 14-TSSOP -40 to 125 SLOS447I–SEPTEMBER 2004–REVISED MAY 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDBV or DCK Package6-Pin S ..
LMV344IPWR ,Quad Rail-To-Rail Output CMOS Operational Amplifier with Shutdown 14-TSSOP -40 to 125D or PW Package14-Pin SOIC or TSSOPTop View1OUT 1 14 4OUT1IN– 2 13 4IN–1IN+ 3 12 4IN+V 4 11 GND+2 ..
Single Cell Lithium-Ion Battery Charger Controller
Single Cell Lithium-Ion Battery Charger Controller
General DescriptionThe LM3621isafull function constantvoltage, constantcur-
rent (CVCC) lithium-ion (Li+) battery charger controller.It
provides1%regulation accuracyoverthe specified tempera-
ture range without requiringtheuseof external precisionre-
sistors. TheIC controls five charge modes: conditioning,
fast, top-off, monitor and maintenance.In addition,the
LM3621detectsand flags defective batteries aswell asover
current andover voltage fault events.Thearchitecture oftheis basedon high gain constant voltageand constantcur-
rent control loops.
The LM3621is designed tocontrola switching charger,alin-
ear chargeroran off-lineac adapter charger.
The LM3621 consistsofa logiccontroller,precision bandgap
reference, wide bandwidth transconductance error amplifi-
ers, comparators,and anoutput buffer. TheLM3621 isavail-
ableina 16-pin SOIC package andis specified overthe
rangeof0˚Cto 70˚C.
Key Specifications Tight output voltage accuracy (±0.5%atTA= 25˚C) Two selectable output voltages (4.2Vor 4.1V) Less than1μA current drain from fully charged battery Preconditioning severely discharged cells(0Vto 2.55V)
Features Automatic end-of-charge control Presetor user adjustable charge current regulation LED driversfor charging statusand fault indication Battery self-discharge refresh (maintenance) Overvoltage/overcurrent fault detectionand protection Defective battery pack detection Charge current boost controlfor cellular phone
applications Charge interruption control input
Applications Complete,full function, protected battery chargerfor
cokeor graphite anode, singlecell Lithium-Ion battery
packs Linear voltage regulator controlled chargers High efficiency switching regulator controlled chargers Cost effective wall adapter chargers
Typical ApplicationDS100107-7
1A, 4.1V CVCC Linear Chargerfor Graphite Anode Lithium-Ion BatteryMarch 1998
Controller©1998NationalSemiconductor Corporation DS100107