LM360 ,High Speed Differential ComparatorFeaturesYGuaranteed high speed 20 ns maxThe LM160/LM360 is a very high speed differential input,Yco ..
LM360H ,High Speed Differential ComparatorElectrical Characteristics(T ≤ T ≤ T )MIN A MAXParameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsOperating Cond ..
LM360M ,High Speed Differential ComparatorFeaturesn Guaranteed high speed: 20 ns maxThe LM160/LM360 is a very high speed differential input,c ..
LM360MX ,High Speed Differential ComparatorLM160/LM360 High Speed Differential ComparatorAugust 2000LM160/LM360High Speed Differential Compara ..
LM360N ,High Speed Differential ComparatorLM160/LM360 High Speed Differential ComparatorAugust 2000LM160/LM360High Speed Differential Compara ..
LM361H ,High Speed Differential ComparatorApplications involve high speed analog to digital con-verters and zero-crossing detectors in disk f ..
LMV339IPW ,Quad General Purpose Low-Voltage Comparators
LMV339IPWRG4 ,Quad General Purpose Low-Voltage Comparators 14-TSSOP -40 to 125
LMV339IRUCR ,Quad General Purpose Low-Voltage Comparators 14-QFN -40 to 125
LMV339M ,Quad General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny Pack ComparatorElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25˚C, V+ = 2.7V, R = 5.1 kΩ, V− = 0V.J LSymbol Parameter Conditions T ..
LMV339MT ,Quad General Purpose, Low Voltage, Tiny Pack ComparatorElectrical CharacteristicsUnless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V+ = 2.7V ..
High Speed Differential Comparator
December 1994
LM160/LM360 High Speed Differential Comparator
General Description
The LM160/LM360isa very high speed differential input,
complementary TTL output voltage comparator withim-
provedcharacteristicsoverthe mA760/mA760C,for whichita pin-for-pin replacement.The devicehas been optimized
for greater speed, input impedance and fan-out,and lower
input offsetvoltage. Typicallydelay varies only 3nsforover-
drive variationsof5mVto400mV.
Complementary outputs having minimum skeware provid-
ed. Applicationsinvolve high speed analogto digital conver-
torsand zero-crossing detectorsin diskfile systems.
Features Guaranteed high speed 20ns max Tight delay matchingon both outputs ComplementaryTTL outputs High input impedance Low speed variation with overdrive variation Fan-outof4 Low input offset voltage Series74 TTL compatible
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can Package
Order Number LM160H/883*or LM360H
SeeNS Package Number H08C
Dual-In-Line Package
OrderNumber LM160J/883*,
LM360Mor LM360N
See NSPackageNumberJ08A, M08Aor N08E
Order Number LM160J-14/883*
SeeNS Package Number J14A
*Alsoavailablein SMDÝ 5962-8767401
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.