LM3595LD ,Parallel White-LED DriverApplicationsness control to be disabled.Alternatively, a PWM signal cann Portable devices using whi ..
LM3595LDX ,Parallel White-LED DriverFeatures±n Regulated I with 0.5% matching between constantThe LM3595 is a parallel white-LED driver ..
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LM359MX ,Dual, High Speed, Programmable, Current Mode (Norton) AmplifiersElectrical CharacteristicsI =I = 0.5 mA, V = 12V, T = 25˚C unless otherwise notedSET(IN) SET(OUT) s ..
LM359N ,Dual, High Speed, Programmable, Current Mode (Norton) AmplifiersLM359 Dual, High Speed, Programmable, Current Mode (Norton) AmplifiersAugust 2000LM359Dual, High Sp ..
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LMV331IDBVRG4 ,Single General Purpose Low-Voltage Comparator 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT(2) ..
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LMV331IDBVTG4 ,Single General Purpose Low-Voltage Comparator 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125Sample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareLMV331, LMV393, LMV3 ..
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Parallel White-LED Driver
Parallel White-LED Driver
General DescriptionThe LM3595isa parallel white-LED driver thatis capableof
driving four white LEDs.It can supplya total output currentof
100mA overan input voltage rangeof 3.0Vto 5.5V. The
amountof constant current sourcedto the outputsis user
selectable using one external sense resistor.
LM3595 typically draws 0.03µA when placedin shutdown,
and 200µA when operatinginthe no-load condition.If anyof
the outputs arenot used, leave the pin(s) unconnected.
Brightness canbe controlledby both analog and PWM tech-
niques.A voltage between0V and3V maybe appliedtothe
BRGT pinto vary the current. Output current will linearly
track the voltage appliedto the BRGT pin.An active-low
level mustbe presenton the BR-ONpinfor analog bright-
ness controltobe disabled. Alternatively,a PWM signal can appliedto theENpinto varythe perceived brightnessof
the LED.
The LM3595 usesan active-high enable level. The LM3595 availablein National’s LLP-10 package.
Features Regulated IOUT with± 0.5% matching between constant
current outputs Drives one, two, threeor four white LED’s withno bias
resistors 3.0Vto 5.5V Input voltage Upto 100mA output current Active-High Enable Pin Analog Brightness Control Very small solution size LLP-10 package: 3.0mmx 3.0mmx 0.8mm Very Low Shutdown current (0.03µA typ.)
Applications Portable devices using whiteor blue LEDs with display
and backlightor frontlight Keypad LEDs Strobe LEDs
Typical Application CircuitAugust 2003