LM3485MM/NOPB ,4.5-35V, Hysteretic Non-Synchronous PFET Buck Controller 8-VSSOP -40 to 125Block Diagram... 10Information..... 217.3 Feature Description.... 104 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page nu ..
LM3485MM/NOPB ,4.5-35V, Hysteretic Non-Synchronous PFET Buck Controller 8-VSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS178H–JANUARY 2002–REVISED DECEMBER 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDGK Package8-Pin VSSOP ..
LM3485MMX ,Hysteretic PFET Buck ControllerLM3485 Hysteretic PFET Buck ControllerSeptember 2004LM3485Hysteretic PFET Buck Controllern 4.5V to ..
LM3485MMX/NOPB ,4.5-35V, Hysteretic Non-Synchronous PFET Buck Controller 8-VSSOP -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LM3485 is a high-efficiency PFET switching1• Easy-to-Use Control Methodol ..
LM3485MMX/NOPB ,4.5-35V, Hysteretic Non-Synchronous PFET Buck Controller 8-VSSOP -40 to 125Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN TYP MAX UNI ..
LM3487MMX , High Efficiency High-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching Regulator
LMS1585ACT-1.5 ,5A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsLMS1585A/LMS1587 5A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsJuly 2001LMS1585A/LMS15875A and 3A Low Drop ..
LMS1585ACT-3.3 ,5A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsFeaturesn Fast transient responseThe LMS1585A and LMS1587 are low dropout positive regu-lators with ..
LMS1585ACT-ADJ ,5A Low Dropout Fast Response Regulatorsapplications.n Industrial temp. range −40˚C to 125˚CThe LMS1585A/87 are available in adjustable ver ..
LMS1585AIS-1.5 ,5A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsFeaturesn Fast transient responseThe LMS1585A and LMS1587 are low dropout positive regu-lators with ..
LMS1585AIS-3.3 ,5A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsLMS1585A/LMS1587 5A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsJuly 2001LMS1585A/LMS15875A and 3A Low Drop ..
LMS1585AIS-ADJ ,5A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsFeaturesn Fast transient responseThe LMS1585A and LMS1587 are low dropout positive regu-lators with ..
4.5-35V, Hysteretic Non-Synchronous PFET Buck Controller 8-VSSOP -40 to 125
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LM3485 Hysteretic PFET Buck Controller Features 3 DescriptionThe LM3485isa high-efficiency PFET switching Easy-to-Use Control Methodology regulator controller that can be usedto quickly and• No Control-Loop Compensation Required easily developa small, low-cost, switching buck• 4.5-Vto 35-V Wide Input Range regulator fora wide range of applications. The
hysteretic control architecture provides for simple• 1.242-Vto VIN Adjustable Output Range design without any control-loop stability concerns• High Efficiency 93% usinga wide varietyof external components. The• ±1.3% (±2% Over Temp) Internal Reference PFET architecture also allows for low component
count as well as ultralow dropout, 100% duty cycle• 100% Duty Cycle
operation. Another benefitis high efficiency operation• Maximum Operating Frequency>1 MHz at light loads withoutan increasein output ripple.• Current Limit Protection
Current limit protectionis provided by measuring the
voltage across the RDS(ON) of the PFET, thus
2 Applications eliminating the need fora sense resistor. The cycle-• Set-Top Box by-cycle current limit can be adjusted witha single DSLor Cable Modem resistor, ensuring safe operation overa range of
output currents.• PC/IA Auto PC
Device Information(1) TFT Monitor Battery-Powered Portable Applications Distributed Power Systems (1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.• Always On Power
Typical Application Circuit