LM3480IM3-5.0 ,100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage RegulatorFeaturescations where the 2 to 2.5V dropout of LM78LXX series de-n 3.3, 5, 12, and 15V versions ava ..
LM3480IM3-5.0/NOPB ,100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulator 3-SOT-23 -40 to 125Block Diagram...... 10• Changed text of External Capacitors subsection .... 11• Changed text of Out ..
LM3480IM3X-12 ,100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage RegulatorFeaturescations where the 2 to 2.5V dropout of LM78LXX series de-n 3.3, 5, 12, and 15V versions ava ..
LM3480IM3X-15 ,100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage RegulatorLM3480 100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage RegulatorJuly 2000LM3480100 mA, SOT-23, Qua ..
LM3480IM3X-3.3 ,100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage RegulatorLM3480 100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage RegulatorJuly 2000LM3480100 mA, SOT-23, Qua ..
LM3480IM3X-5.0 ,100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage RegulatorLM3480 100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage RegulatorJuly 2000LM3480100 mA, SOT-23, Qua ..
LMS1485IM ,5V Low Power RS-485 Differential Bus TransceiverFeaturesn Meet ANSI standard RS-485-A and RS-422-BTheLMS1485isalowpowerdifferentialbus/linetranscei ..
LMS1485M ,5V Low Power RS-485 Differential Bus TransceiverPin DescriptionsPin # I/O Name Function> <1 O RO Receiver Output: If A B by 200 mV, RO will be high ..
LMS1487CM ,5V Low Power RS-485 / RS-422 Differential Bus Transceiverapplications with noisy environmentTypical Application20053001A Typical multipoint application is s ..
LMS1487CMX ,5V Low Power RS-485 / RS-422 Differential Bus TransceiverFeaturesn Meet ANSI standard RS-485-A and RS-422-BTheLMS1487isalowpowerdifferentialbus/linetranscei ..
LMS1487ECM ,5V Low Power RS-485 / RS-422 Differential Bus Transceiverapplicationsn Multipoint
LMS1487ECNA ,5V Low Power RS-485 / RS-422 Differential Bus Transceiverapplications in noisy environments. The LMS1487 is avail-n Network hubs, bridges, and routersable i ..
100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulator
100 mA, SOT-23, Quasi Low-Dropout Linear Voltage
General DescriptionThe LM3480isan integrated linear voltage regulator.It fea-
tures operation froman inputas highas 30V anda guaran-
teed maximum dropoutof 1.2Vatthefull 100 mAload. Stan-
dard packagingfor the LM3480is the 3-lead SuperSOT®
The5, 12, and 15V membersof the LM3480 series arein-
tendedas tiny alternativesto industry standard LM78LXX
series and similar devices. The 1.2V quasi low dropoutof
LM3480 series devices makes thema nicefitin many appli-
cations wherethe2to 2.5V dropoutof LM78LXX series de-
vices precludes their (LM78LXX series devices) use.
The LM3480 series featuresa 3.3V member. The SOT pack-
aging and quasi low dropout featuresofthe LM3480 series
convergein this deviceto providea very nice, very tiny 3.3V,
100 mA bias supply that regulates directlyoff the system
5V±5% power supply.
Key Specifications 30V maximum inputfor operation 1.2V guaranteed maximum dropout overfull load and
temperature ranges 100 mA guaranteed minimum load current ±5% guaranteed output voltage tolerance overfull load
and temperature ranges −40to +125˚C junction temperature rangefor operation
Features 3.3,5,12, and 15V versions available Packagedinthe tiny 3-lead SuperSOT package
Applications Tiny alternativeto LM78LXX series and similar devices Tiny 5V±5%to 3.3V, 100 mA converter Post regulatorfor switching DC/DC converter Bias supplyfor analog circuits
Typical Application Circuit
Connection DiagramDS100070-2
Top View
SOT-23 Package
3-Lead, Molded-Plastic Small-Outline Transistor (SOT) Package
Package Code MF03A (Note1)
July 2000