LM3477AMM/NOPB ,High Efficiency High-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching Regulator 8-VSSOP -40 to 125Typical Application CircuitR Q1 L VSN OUT0.02: FDC653N 3.3PH 2.5V, 3ARFB120.5kCOUTCSN 47PFRFB20.1PF ..
LM3477AMMX ,High Efficiency High-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching RegulatorFeaturesprogrammed currentn 500kHz switching frequencylimitn Adjustable current limit*See Hystereti ..
LM3477MM ,High Efficiency High-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching RegulatorPin DescriptionPin Name Pin Number DescriptionI 1 Current sense input pin. Voltage generated across ..
LM3477MM/NOPB ,High Efficiency High-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching Regulator 8-VSSOP -40 to 125Electrical CharacteristicsSpecifications in Standard type face are for T = 25°C, and in bold type f ..
LM3477MMX ,High Efficiency High-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching Regulatorfeatures in-n Cable Modemsclude internal soft-start and output over voltage protection.The internal ..
LM3478MM ,High Efficiency Low-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching RegulatorLM3478 High Efficiency Low-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching RegulatorMay 2003LM3478High Effi ..
LMR12010XMK/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 20Vin, 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator in SOT-23 6-SOT -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LMR12010 regulator is a monolithic, high23• Input Voltage Range of 3V to 20 ..
LMR14206XMKX/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER 42Vin, 0.6A Step-Down Voltage Regulator in SOT-23 6-SOT -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics.(2) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact ..
LMS1485IM ,5V Low Power RS-485 Differential Bus TransceiverFeaturesn Meet ANSI standard RS-485-A and RS-422-BTheLMS1485isalowpowerdifferentialbus/linetranscei ..
LMS1485M ,5V Low Power RS-485 Differential Bus TransceiverPin DescriptionsPin # I/O Name Function> <1 O RO Receiver Output: If A B by 200 mV, RO will be high ..
LMS1487CM ,5V Low Power RS-485 / RS-422 Differential Bus Transceiverapplications with noisy environmentTypical Application20053001A Typical multipoint application is s ..
LMS1487CMX ,5V Low Power RS-485 / RS-422 Differential Bus TransceiverFeaturesn Meet ANSI standard RS-485-A and RS-422-BTheLMS1487isalowpowerdifferentialbus/linetranscei ..
High Efficiency High-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching Regulator 8-VSSOP -40 to 125
www.ti.com SNVS141K –OCTOBER 2000–REVISED MARCH 2013
LM3477 High Efficiency High-Side N-Channel Controller for Switching Regulator
Checkfor Samples: LM3477
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM3477/Aisa high-side N-channel MOSFET
500kHz Switching Frequency switching regulator controller.It can be used in
• Adjustable Current Limit topologies requiringa high side MOSFET such as
1.5% Reference buck, inverting (buck-boost) and zeta regulators. The
LM3477/A's internal push pull driver allows
• Thermal Shutdown compatibility witha wide rangeof MOSFETs. This,
• Frequency Compensation Optimized witha the wide input voltage range, useof discrete power
Single Capacitor and Resistor components and adjustable current limit allows the
Internal Softstart LM3477/A to be optimized fora wide variety of
• Current Mode Operation Undervoltage Lockout with Hysteresis The LM3477/A usesa high switching frequencyof
500kHzto reduce the overall solution size. Current-
• 8-lead (VSSOP-8) Package mode control requires onlya single resistor and
capacitor for frequency compensation. The current
APPLICATIONS mode architecture also yields superior line and load
Local Voltage Regulation regulation and cycle-by-cycle current limiting.A5µA
shutdown state can be used for power savings and
• Distributed Power for power supply sequencing. Other features include
• Notebook and Palmtop Computers internal soft-start and output over voltage protection.
Internet Appliances The internal soft-start reduces inrush current. Over
voltage protectionisa safety featureto ensure that
• Printers and Office Automation the output voltage stays within regulation.
• Battery operated DevicesThe LM3477Ais similarto the LM3477. The primary
• Cable Modems difference between the twois the pointat which the
• Battery Chargers device transitions into hysteretic mode. The hysteretic
thresholdof the LM3477Ais one-thirdof the LM3477.
(1) See Hysteretic Threshold and PROGRAMMING THE