LM346J ,Programmable Quad Operational Amplifierelectrical characteristicsgrammable amplifiers. Two external resistors (R ) allowSET n Battery-powe ..
LM346M ,Programmable Quad Operational AmplifierLM146/LM346 Programmable Quad Operational AmplifiersAugust 2000LM146/LM346Programmable Quad Operati ..
LM346MX ,Programmable Quad Operational Amplifierelectrical characteristicsgrammable amplifiers. Two external resistors (R ) allowSET n Battery-powe ..
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LM3475MFX ,Hysteretic PFET Buck Controllerapplications in a n 0.8V to V adjustable output rangeINverysmallSOT23-5package.Thehystereticcontrol ..
LMP7718MA , 88 MHz, Precision, Low Noise, 1.8V CMOS Input, Decompensated Operational Amplifier
LMP7721 ,3 Femtoampere Input Bias Current Precision Amplifierfeatures, such as low voltage noise• DC CMRR 100 dB(6.5 nV/√Hz), low DC-offset voltage (±150 µVmaxi ..
LMP7721MA , 3 Femtoampere Input Bias Current Precision Amplifier
LMP7721MA , 3 Femtoampere Input Bias Current Precision Amplifier
LMP7721MA/NOPB ,3 Femtoampere Input Bias Current Precision Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 125Block Diagram... 16Information..... 264 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions m ..
LMP8100AMA , Programmable Gain Amplifier
Programmable Quad Operational Amplifier
Programmable Quad Operational Amplifiers
General DescriptionThe LM146 seriesof quadop amps consistsof four indepen-
dent, high gain, internally compensated, low power, pro-
grammable amplifiers. Two external resistors (RSET) allow
the userto program the gain bandwidth product, slew rate,
supply current, input bias current, input offset current andin-
put noise. For example,the user can trade-off supply current
for bandwidthor optimize noise figurefora given sourcere-
sistance.Ina similar way, other amplifier characteristics can tailoredto the application. Exceptfor the two program-
ming pinsat the endof the package, the LM146 pin-outis
the sameas the LM124 and LM148.
Features(ISET=10 μA) Programmable electrical characteristics Battery-powered operation Low supply current: 350 μA/amplifier Guaranteed gain bandwidth product: 0.8 MHz min Large DC voltage gain: 120dB Low noise voltage: 28 Wide power supply range: ±1.5Vto ±22V ClassAB output stage–no crossover distortion Idealpin outfor Biquad active filters Input bias currents are temperature compensated
Connection Diagram PROGRAMMING EQUATIONSTotal Supply Current= 1.4 mA (ISET/10 μA)
Gain Bandwidth Product=1 MHz (ISET/10 μA)
Slew Rate= 0.4V/μs (ISET/10 μA)
Input Bias Current.50nA (ISET/10 μA)
ISET= Current intopin8,pin9 (see schematic-diagram)
Capacitorless Active Filters (Basic Circuit)
Dual-In-Line PackageDS005654-1
Top View
Order Number LM146J, LM146J/883,
LM346M,LM346MXor LM346N
SeeNS Package Number
J16A, M16Aor N16ADS005654-16
August 2000