LM342P-5.0 ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsFeaturesthough designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators theseYOutput current in excess of 0.2 ..
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3-Terminal Positive Regulators
June 1989
LM342 Series
3-Terminal Positive Regulators
General Description
The LM342-XX seriesof three-terminal regulatorsis avail-
able with several fixed output voltages, making them useful
ina wide range ofapplications. Oneof theseis localon card
regulation, eliminatingthe distribution problems associated
with single point regulation. The voltages available allow
these regulatorstobe usedin logic systems, instrumenta-
tion, HiFi, and other solid state electronic equipment.Al-
though designed primarilyas fixed voltage regulators these
devices canbe used with external componentsto obtain
adjustable voltagesand currents.
The LM342-XX seriesis availableinthe plastic TO-202
package. This package allows these regulatorsto deliver
over 0.25Aif adequate heat sinkingis provided. Currentlim-
itingis includedto limitthe peak output currenttoa safe
value. Safe area protectionforthe output transistoris pro-
videdto limit internal power dissipation.If internal power
dissipation becomestoo highforthe heat sinking provided,
the thermal shutdown circuit takes over, preventingtheIC
from overheating.
Considerable effort was expendedto makethe LM342-XX
seriesof regulators easytouseand minimizethe numberof
external components.Itisnot necessaryto bypassthe
output, althoughthis does improve transient response. Input
bypassingis needed onlyifthe regulatoris locatedfar from
the filter capacitorofthe power supply.
For output voltage other than5V,12V and15Vthe LM117
series providesan output voltage range from 1.2Vto 57V.
Features Output currentin excessof 0.25A Internal thermal overload protectionNo external components required Output transistor safe area protection Internal short circuit current limit Availablein plastic TO-202 package Special circuitry allows start-up evenif outputis pulled negative voltage (gsupplies)
Voltage Range
LM342-5.0 5V
LM342-12 12V
LM342-15 15V
Schematic Diagram
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.