LM337L ,3-Terminal Adjustable Regulatorapplications. Since the regulator isn Standard 3-lead transistor package“floating” and sees only th ..
LM337LM ,3-Terminal Adjustable RegulatorGeneral DescriptionLM337L can be used as a precision current regulator. Sup-The LM337L is an adjust ..
LM337LM/NOPB ,3-Terminal 100mA Adjustable Negative Voltage Regulator 8-SOIC -25 to 100Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LM337LMX ,3-Terminal Adjustable RegulatorLM337L 3-Terminal Adjustable RegulatorFebruary 2002LM337L3-Terminal Adjustable Regulatora fixed res ..
LM337LZ ,3-Terminal Adjustable RegulatorGeneral DescriptionLM337L can be used as a precision current regulator. Sup-The LM337L is an adjust ..
LMH0002 ,SMPTE 292M / 259M Serial Digital Cable DriverFEATURES APPLICATIONS2• SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 344M and SMPTE 259M • SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 344M, and SMPTE 2 ..
LMH0002MA , LMH0002 SMPTE 292M / 259M Serial Digital Cable Driver
LMH0002MA/NOPB ,SMPTE 292M / 259M Serial Digital Cable Driver 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics(1)Over Supply Voltage and Operating Temperature ranges, unless otherwise ..
LMH0002SQ ,SMPTE 292M / 259M Serial Digital Cable Driver 16-WQFN Maximum RatingsSupply Voltage:−0.5V to 3.6VInput Voltage (all inputs)−0.3V to V +0.3VCCOutput Curre ..
LMH0002SQ/NOPB ,SMPTE 292M / 259M Serial Digital Cable Driver 16-WQFN Maximum Ratings" are those parameter values beyond which the life and operation of the device canno ..
LMH0002TMA ,SMPTE 292M / 259M Serial Digital Cable Driver 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics(1)(2)Over Supply Voltage and Operating Temperature ranges, unless otherw ..
3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator
3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM337Lisan adjustable 3-terminal negative voltage
regulator capableof supplying 100mA overa 1.2Vto 37V
output range.Itis exceptionally easyto use and requires
only two external resistorstosetthe output voltage. Further-
more, both line and load regulation are better than standard
fixed regulators. Also,the LM337Lis packagedina standard
TO-92 transistor package whichis easyto use. additionto higher performance than fixed regulators, the
LM337L offersfull overload protection. Includedon the chip
are current limit, thermal overload protection and safe area
protection.All overload protection circuitry remains fully func-
tional evenifthe adjustment terminalis disconnected.
Normally, onlya single 1μF solid tantalum output capacitoris
needed unless the deviceis situated more than6 inches
fromthe input filter capacitors,in which casean input bypass needed.A larger output capacitor canbe addedto improve
transient response. The adjustment terminal canbe by-
passedto achieve very high ripple rejection ratios which are
difficultto achieve with standard 3-terminal regulators.
Besides replacing fixed regulators,the LM337Lis usefulina
wide varietyof other applications. Since the regulatoris
“floating” and sees only the input-to-output differential volt-
age, suppliesof several hundred volts canbe regulatedas
longas the maximum input-to-output differentialis not ex-
Also,it makesan especially simple adjustable switching
regulator,a programmable output regulator,orby connecting fixed resistor between the adjustment and output, the
LM337L canbe usedasa precision current regulator. Sup-
plies with electronic shutdown canbe achievedby clamping
the adjustment terminalto ground which programsthe out-
putto 1.2V where most loads draw little current.
The LM337Lis availableina standard TO-92 transistor
package, SO-8 surface mount package, andin our new12
mil diameter bump micro SMD package. The LM337Lis
ratedfor operation overa −25˚Cto +125˚C range.
For applications requiring greater output currentin excessof
0.5A and 1.5A, see LM137 series data sheets. For the
positive complement, see series LM117 and LM317L data
Features Adjustable output downto 1.2V Guaranteed 100mA output current Line regulation typically 0.01%/V Load regulation typically 0.1% Current limit constant with temperature Eliminatesthe needto stock many voltages Standard 3-lead transistor package80dB ripple rejection Outputis short circuit protected Availablein the 6-Bump micro SMD package See AN-1112for micro SMD considerations
Typical Application
1.2V-25V Adjustable RegulatorFebruary 2002