LM337KSTEEL ,3-Terminal Adjustable Negative RegulatorApplications Comparison between SOT-223 andD-Pak (TO-252) PackagesAdjustable Negative Voltage Regul ..
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3-Terminal Adjustable Negative Regulator
3-Terminal Adjustable Negative Regulators
General DescriptionThe LM137/LM337are adjustable 3-terminal negative volt-
age regulators capableof supplyingin excessof −1.5Aover output voltage rangeof −1.2Vto −37V. These regulators
are exceptionally easyto apply, requiring only2 externalre-
sistorstosetthe output voltageand1 output capacitorfor
frequency compensation. The circuit designhas been opti-
mizedfor excellent regulation andlow thermal transients.
Further,the LM137 series features internal current limiting,
thermal shutdown and safe-area compensation, making
them virtually blowout-proof against overloads.
The LM137/LM337 servea wide varietyof applicationsin-
cluding local on-card regulation, programmable-output volt-
age regulationor precision current regulation. The LM137/
LM337 are ideal complementsto the LM117/LM317
adjustable positive regulators.
Features Output voltage adjustable from −1.2Vto −37V 1.5A output current guaranteed, −55˚Cto +150˚C Line regulation typically 0.01%/V Load regulation typically 0.3% Excellent thermal regulation, 0.002%/W77dB ripple rejection Excellent rejectionof thermal transients50 ppm/˚C temperature coefficient Temperature-independent currentlimit Internal thermal overload protectionP+ Product Enhancement tested Standard 3-lead transistor package Outputis short circuit protected
LM137 Series Packages and Power
Rated Design
Device Package Power Load
Dissipation CurrentLM137/337 TO-3(K) 20W 1.5A
TO-39(H) 2W 0.5A
LM337 TO-220(T) 15W 1.5A
LM337 SOT-223
(MP) 1A
Typical Applications Comparison between SOT-223 and
D-Pak (TO-252) PackagesAdjustable Negative Voltage RegulatorDS009067-1
Full output currentnot available athigh input-outputvoltages
†C1=1μFsolid tantalumor10μF aluminum electrolytic requiredfor
*C2=1μFsolid tantalumis requiredonlyif regulatorismore than4"from
power-supplyfilter capacitor
Output capacitorsinthe rangeof1 μFto1000μFof aluminumor tantalum
electrolyticare commonly usedto provide improved output impedanceandrejection oftransients
Scale1:1May 1999
Regulators 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009067