LM3370SD-3021/NOPB ,Dual Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter with Dynamic Voltage Scaling Function 16-WSON -30 to 85features and• Operates from a Single Li-Ion Cell or 3 Cellperformance for portable systems with com ..
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Dual Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter with Dynamic Voltage Scaling Function
L1:2.2 PHPGND1
L2:2.2 PH
2.7V to 5.5V
4.7 PF
10 PF
10 PF
4.7 PF VIN1
www.ti.com SNVS406N –NOVEMBER 2005–REVISED MAY 2013
LM3370 Dual Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter
with Dynamic Voltage Scaling Function
Checkfor Samples: LM3370
1FEATURES APPLICATIONSI2 C-compatible interface • Baseband Processors VOUT1= 1Vto 2Vin50 mV Steps • Application Processors (Video, Audio) VOUT2= 1.8Vto 3.3Vin 100 mV Steps • I/O Power Automatic PFM/PWM Mode Switching and • FPGA Power and CPLD
Forced PWM Mode for Low Noise Operation
DESCRIPTION– Spread Spectrum Capability UsingI2CThe LM3370isa dual step-down DC-DC converter
• 600mA Load Per Channel optimized for powering ultra-low voltage circuits from
• 2MHz PWM Fixed Switching Frequency (Typ.) a single Li-Ion battery and input rail ranging from 2.7V
The Bucks Operate 180° Out-of-Phase Timing to 5.5V.It provides two outputs with 600mA load per
channel. The output voltage range varies from 1Vto
Offset for Noise and Input Surge Current3.3V and canbe dynamically controlled using theI2C-
Abatementcompatible interface. This dynamic voltage scaling
• Internal Synchronous Rectification for High function allows processors to achieve maximum
Efficiency performance at the lowest power level. TheI2C-
• Internal Soft Start compatible interface can also be
PFM-PWM/PWM mode selection
• Power-on-Reset Function for Both Outputsperformance enhancing features.
• 2.7V≤ VIN≤ 5.5VThe LM3370 offers superior
• Operates froma Single Li-Ion Cellor3 Cell performance for portable systems
NiMH/NiCd Batteries and 3.3V/5.5V Fixed Rails power management requirements.
• 2.2µH Inductor, 4.7µF Input and10µF Output intelligent switching between PWM
Capacitor Per Channel PFM low-current mode offers
16-lead WSON Package(4 mmx5 mmx 0.8 efficiency. Internal synchronous
enhances the converter efficiency
mm)further external devices.
• 20-Bump DSBGA Package (3.0 mmx 2.0 mmx
0.6 mm)