LM336BZ50 ,Programmable Shunt RegulatorFeaturesThe LM336Z5 and LM336BZ5 integrated circuits are precision
Programmable Shunt Regulator
LM336Z5 • LM336BZ5 Programmable Shunt Regulator February 2002 Revised August 2005 LM336Z5 LM336BZ5 Programmable Shunt Regulator General Description Features The LM336Z5 and LM336BZ5 integrated circuits are precisionLow Temperature Coefficient 5.0V shunt regulators. The monolithic IC voltage reference Adjustable 4V to 6V operates as a low temperature coefficient 5.0V zener with 0.6 dynamic impedance. A third terminal on the LM336Z5 andWide Operating Range Current of 10mA to 400mA LM336BZ5 allows the reference voltage and temperature coeffi- Three Lead Transistor Package (TO-92) cient to be trimmed easily. 0.6 Dynamic Impedance The LM336Z5 and LM336BZ5 are useful as precision 5.0V low voltage references which makes it convenient to obtain a stable1.0% Initial Tolerance Available reference from low voltage supplies. Further, since the Guaranteed Temperature Stability LM336Z5 and LM336BZ5 operate as shunt regulators, they can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference.Easily Trimmed for Minimum Temperature Drift Fast Turn On Ordering Code: Product Number Package Packing Operating Temperature LM336Z5 Bulk LM336Z5X TO-92 Tape and Reel 0C to +70C LM336BZ50 Bulk © 2005 DS400297