LM3352MTC-3.0 ,Regulated 200mA Buck-Boost Switched Capacitor DC/DC ConverterPin DescriptionPin Number Name Function1 GND Ground*2 C3− Negative Terminal for C33 C3+ Positive Te ..
LM3352MTC3.3 ,Regulated 200mA Buck-Boost Switched Capacitor DC/DC ConverterLM3352 Regulated 200 mA Buck-Boost Switched Capacitor DC/DC ConverterSeptember 1999LM3352Regulated ..
LM3352MTC-3.3 ,Regulated 200mA Buck-Boost Switched Capacitor DC/DC ConverterFeaturesn Regulated V with ±3% accuracyThe LM3352 is a CMOS switched capacitor DC/DC con- OUTverter ..
LM3352MTCX-3.3 ,Regulated 200mA Buck-Boost Switched Capacitor DC/DC ConverterApplicationsn 1-cell Lilon battery-operated equipment including PDAs,hand-held PCs, cellular phones ..
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Regulated 200mA Buck-Boost Switched Capacitor DC/DC Converter
Regulated 200 mA Buck-Boost Switched Capacitor
DC/DC Converter
General DescriptionThe LM3352isa CMOS switched capacitor DC/DC con-
verter that producesa regulated output voltageby automati-
cally steppingup (boost)or stepping down (buck) the input
voltage.It acceptsan input voltage between 2.5V and 5.5V.
The LM3352is availablein three standard output voltage
versions: 2.5V, 3.0V and 3.3V.If other output voltage options
between 1.8V and 4.0V are desired, please contact your
National Semiconductor representative.
The LM3352’s proprietary buck-boost architecture enablesto 200 mAof load currentatan average efficiency greater
than 80%. Typical operating currentis only 400µA and the
typical shutdown currentis only 2.5 µA.
The LM3352is availableina 16-pin TSSOP package. This
package hasa maximum heightof only1.1 mm.
The high efficiencyofthe LM3352, low operating and shut-
down currents, small package size, andthe small sizeofthe
overall solution make this device idealfor battery powered,
portable, and hand-held applications.
Features Regulated VOUT with ±3% accuracy Standard output voltage options: 2.5V, 3.0V and 3.3V Custom output voltages available from 1.8Vto 4.0Vin
100 mV increments 2.5Vto 5.5V input voltage Upto 200 mA output current >80% average efficiency Uses few, low-cost external components Very small solution size 400µA typical operating current 2.5µA typical shutdown current1 MHz switching frequency (typical) Architecture and control methods provide high load
current and good efficiency TSSOP-16 package Over-temperature protection
Applications 1-cell Lilon battery-operated equipment including PDAs,
hand-held PCs, cellular phones Flat panel displays Hand-held instruments NiCd, NiMH,or alkaline battery powered systems 3.3Vto 2.5V and 5.0Vto 3.3V conversion
Typical Operating CircuitSeptember 1999