LM333T ,3-Ampere Adjustable Negative RegulatorsElectrical Characteristics LM333 (Continued)=Specifications with standard typeface are for T 25˚C, ..
LM334 ,Constant Current Source and Temperature Sensorapplications, the 15pF value for the shuntacapacitance should be reduced :b'- because of loading pr ..
LM334D ,ADJUSTABLE CURRENT SOURCESapplications. This reduc-0˚K T1 T2 T3tion of the capacitance can be easily carried out byThis parti ..
LM334D ,ADJUSTABLE CURRENT SOURCESABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSymbol Parameter LM134 - LM234 LM334 Unit + –Voltage V to V VForward 40 30Re ..
LM334DT ,ADJUSTABLE CURRENT SOURCESELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSoT = +25 C with pulse testing so that junction temperature does not chang ..
LM334H ,3-Terminal Adjustable Current Sourceapplications be-lent current regulation and a wide dynamic voltage range ofcause series resistance ..
LMC8101BP ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownApplicationsn Portable Communication (voice, data)n Cellular Phone Power Amp Control Loopn Buffer A ..
LMC8101BP ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownApplicationsn Portable Communication (voice, data)n Cellular Phone Power Amp Control Loopn Buffer A ..
LMC8101BPX ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownLMC8101 Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownMay 2004LMC810 ..
LMC8101MM ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownFeatures+V = 2.7V, T = 25˚C, R to V /2, Typical values unlessThe LMC8101 is a Rail-to-Rail Input an ..
LMC8101MMX ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with Shutdownapplications requiring Rail-to-n Rail-to-Rail InputsRail inputs and output. The LMC8101 is supplied ..
LMC8101TP ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownLMC8101 Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownMay 2004LMC810 ..
3-Ampere Adjustable Negative Regulators
3-Ampere Adjustable Negative Regulators
General DescriptionThe LM133/LM333are adjustable 3-terminal negative volt-
age regulators capableof supplyingin excessof −3.0Aover output voltage rangeof −1.2Vto −32V. These regulators
are exceptionally easyto apply, requiring only2 externalre-
sistorstosetthe output voltageand1 output capacitorfor
frequency compensation. The circuit designhas been opti-
mizedfor excellent regulation andlow thermal transients.
Further,the LM133 series features internal current limiting,
thermal shutdown and safe-area compensation, making
them substantially immuneto failure from overloads.
The LM133/LM333 servea wide varietyof applicationsin-
cluding local on-card regulation, programmable-output volt-
age regulationor precision current regulation. The LM133/
LM333 are ideal complementsto the LM150/LM350
adjustable positive regulators.
Features Output voltage adjustable from −1.2Vto −32V 3.0A output current guaranteed, −55˚Cto +150˚C Line regulation typically 0.01%/V Load regulation typically 0.2% Excellent rejectionof thermal transients50 ppm/˚C temperature coefficient Temperature-independent currentlimit Internal thermal overload protectionP+ Product Enhancement tested Standard 3-lead transistor package Outputis short circuit protected
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can PackageDS009065-1
Bottom View
Steel TO-3 Metal Can Package(K STEEL)
Order Number LM133K STEELor
SeeNS Package Number K02A
Plastic PackageDS009065-2
Front View
3-Lead TO-220 Plastic Package(T)
Order Number LM333T
SeeNS Package Number T03BMay 1998
Regulators©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009065