LM330N ,3-Terminal Positive Regulatorfeatures such as current limit andthermal overload protection are also provided.Schematic and Conne ..
LM330N ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorElectrical CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsV Output Voltage T = 25°C 4. ..
LM330T-5.0 ,3-Terminal Positive Regulatorfeatures include line transient protection upto 26V, when the output actually shuts down to avoid d ..
LM330T-5.0 ,3-Terminal Positive Regulatorapplications since this feature allows a longer batteryn Mirror-image insertion protectiondischarge ..
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LMC7221AIMX ,Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail Input and Open Drain OutputFeaturesn Direct sensor interfacen Tiny SOT 23-5 package saves spacen Package is less than 1.43 mm ..
LMC7221BIM ,Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail Input and Open Drain OutputElectrical Characteristics+ −Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V = 2. ..
LMC7221BIM5 ,Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail Input and Open Drain OutputFeaturesn Direct sensor interfacen Tiny SOT 23-5 package saves spacen Package is less than 1.43 mm ..
LMC7221BIM5X ,Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail Input and Open Drain OutputLMC7221 Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-To-Rail Input and Open Drain OutputJuly 2002LMC7221Tiny CMOS ..
LMC7221BIM5X/NOPB ,Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail Input and Open Drain Output 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM7221 is a micropower CMOS comparator2• Tiny 5-Pin SOT-23 package saves sp ..
3-Terminal Positive Regulator
www.ti.com SNOSC19D –MAY 1998–REVISED MARCH 2013
LM330-N 3-Terminal Positive Regulator
Checkfor Samples: LM330-NThe low dropout voltage makes the LM330-N useful
1FEATURESfor certain battery applications since this feature
Input-output Differential Less than 0.6V allowsa longer battery discharge before the output
Output Currentof 150 mA falls out of regulation. For example, a battery
supplying the regulator input voltage may discharge
• Reverse Battery Protection to 5.6V and still properly regulate the system and
• Line Transient Protection load voltage. Supporting this feature, the LM330-N
• Internal Short Circuit Current Limit protects both itself and regulated systems from
negative voltage inputs resulting from reverse
• Internal Thermal Overload Protectioninstallationsof batteries.
• Mirror-image Insertion ProtectionOther protection features include line transient
• P+ Product Enhancement Tested protection upto 26V, when the output actually shuts
downto avoid damaging internal and external circuits.
DESCRIPTION Also, the LM330-N regulator cannot be harmed byaThe LM330-N 5V 3-terminal positive voltage regulator temporary mirror-image insertion.featuresan abilityto source 150 mAof output current
with an input-output differential of 0.6V or less.
Familiar regulator features such as current limit and
thermal overload protection are also provided.
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Figure1. (TO-220)
Plastic Package
Front View