LM3302DR ,Quad, General Purpose Differential Comparatormaximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. There are stress ratings only, andfunctio ..
LM3302DRG4 ,Quad, General Purpose Differential Comparator 14-SOIC -40 to 85/sc/package.symbol (each comparator)IN+OUTIN− !" ..
LM3302DRG4 ,Quad, General Purpose Differential Comparator 14-SOIC -40 to 85 SLCS014A −OCTOBER 1977 −REVISED AUGUST 2003D OR N PACKAGE Single ..
LM3302M ,Quad ComparatorBlock Diagram14 OUT3OUT2 1OUT1 2 13 OUT4GNDVCC 3 12+ - +-IN4(+)IN1(-) 411IN4(-)IN1(+)5 10IN2(-) IN3 ..
LM3302N ,Quad ComparatorLM2901,LM339/LM339A,LM3302 LM239/LM239AQuad Comparator
LM3303 ,Quad Operational AmplifiersLM3303/LM3403QuadOperationalAmplifiersFebruary1995LM3303/LM3403QuadOperationalAmplifiersYFour inter ..
LMC7211BIM5X ,Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail InputLMC7211 Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail Input and Push-Pull OutputAugust 2002LMC7211Tiny CMO ..
LMC7211BIM5X/NOPB ,Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail Input 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS2• Tiny SOT 23-5 package saves space • Battery Powered Products• Package is le ..
LMC7211BIMX ,Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail InputElectrical Characteristics+ − +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V = ..
LMC7211BIN ,Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail InputApplicationsdetector circuits, optical and magnetic sensors, and alarmand status circuits. n Batter ..
LMC7215IM ,Micro-Power, Rail-to-Rail CMOS Comparators with Open-Drain/Push-Pull Outputs and TinyPak PackageElectrical Characteristics (Continued)+ −Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = ..
LMC7215IM5 ,Micro-Power, Rail-to-Rail CMOS Comparators with Open-Drain/Push-Pull Outputs and TinyPak PackageApplicationsan external resistor, the output of the comparator can ben Laptop computersused as a le ..
Quad, General Purpose Differential Comparator
Low Input Bias Current... 25 nA Typ Low Input Offset Current ...3 nA Typ Low Input Offset Voltage ...3 mV Typ Common-Mode Input Voltage RangeIncludes Ground Differential Input Voltage Range Equal to
Maximum-Rated Supply Voltage... ±28 V
Low Output Saturation Voltage Output Compatible With TTL, MOS, and
description/ordering informationThis device consists of four independent voltage comparators that are designed to operate from a single power
supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from dual supplies also is possible as long as the difference
between the two supplies is 2 V to 28 V and VCC is a least 1.5 V more positive than the input common-mode
voltage. Current drain is independent of the supply voltage. The outputs can be connected to other
open-collector outputs to achieve wired-AND relationships.
ORDERING INFORMATION†Package drawings, standard packing quantities, thermal data, symbolization, and PCB design guidelines are available at
symbol (each comparator)