LM325H ,Dual Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn ±15V tracking outputsThis dual polarity tracking regulator is designed to providebalanced ..
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LM326N ,VOLTAGE REGULATORSGeneral Description
These are dual polarity tracking regulators designed to pro-
vide balanced ..
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Dual Voltage Regulator
Dual Voltage Regulator
General DescriptionThis dual polarity tracking regulatoris designedto provide
balanced positiveand negative output voltagesat currentup100mA,andissetfor ±15V outputs. Input voltagesupto
±30Vcanbe usedand thereis provisionfor adjustablecur-
rent limiting.The deviceis availableintwo package typesto
accommodate various power requirementsand temperature
Features ±15V tracking outputs Output currentto100mA Output voltage balancedto within2% Lineand load regulationof 0.06% Internal thermal overload protection Standby current drainof3mA Externally adjustable currentlimit Internal current limit
Schematicand Connection DiagramsDS007776-1
Metal Can PackageDS007776-3
Top View
Order Number LM325H
SeeNS Package Number H10CJune 1999
Regulator 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS007776