LM323KSTEEL ,3-Amp, 5-Volt Positive RegulatorFeatureshigh level of reliability obtained with these techniques in then Guaranteed 1% initial accu ..
LM324 ,Low Power Quad Operational AmplifiersSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareLM224K,LM224KA,LM324 ..
LM3242TMX/NOPB ,6MHz, 750mA Miniature, Adjustable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter with Bypass 9-DSBGA -30 to 90 SNOSB48E–OCTOBER 2011–REVISED AUGUST 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsYFQ Package9-Pin DSBGATo ..
LM3243TMX/NOPB ,2.7MHz, 2.5A Step-Down DC-DC Converter with Analog Bypass Mode for 2G/3G/4G PAs 16-DSBGA -30 to 90Features 3 DescriptionThe LM3243 is a DC-DC converter optimized for1• Input Voltage Range: 2.7 V to ..
LM324A ,Quad Operational Amplifier
LMC6084IN ,Precision CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierApplicationsThis device is built with National’s advanced Double-Polyn Instrumentation amplifierSil ..
LMC6442 ,Dual Micropower Rail-to-Rail Output Single Supply Operational Amplifierapplications. Very low n Portable instruments(5fA, typical) input bias current and near constant su ..
LMC6442AIM ,Dual Micropower Rail-to-Rail Output Single Supply Operational AmplifierElectrical CharacteristicsV Input Offset Voltage ±3 ±7 mVOS−0.75±4 ±8 maxTCV Temp. coefficient of 0 ..
LMC6442AIM/NOPB ,Dual Micropower Rail-to-Rail Output Single Supply Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics (continued)+− + +Unless otherwise specified, all limits ensured for T = ..
LMC6442AIMM ,Dual Micropower Rail-to-Rail Output Single Supply Operational AmplifierApplicationsmance near the end-of-life battery voltage.n Portable instrumentsDesigned for closed lo ..
LMC6442AIMMX ,Dual Micropower Rail-to-Rail Output Single Supply Operational AmplifierElectrical CharacteristicsV Input Offset Voltage ±3 ±7 mVOS−0.75±4 ±8 maxTCV Temp. coefficient of i ..
3-Amp, 5-Volt Positive Regulator
3-Amp, 5-Volt Positive Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM123isa three-terminal positive regulatorwitha pre-
set5V outputanda load driving capabilityof3 amps. New
circuitdesignand processing techniquesare used toprovide
the high output current without sacrificingthe regulation
characteristicsof lower current devices.
The LM323A offers improved precision overthe standard
LM323. Parameters with tightened specifications include
output voltage tolerance,line regulation,and load regulation.
The3 amp regulatoris virtually blowout proof. Current limit-
ing, power limiting,and thermal shutdown providethe same
high levelof reliability obtainedwith these techniquesinthe
LM1091 amp regulator. external componentsare requiredfor operationofthe
LM123. Ifthe deviceis more than 4inches fromthe filterca-
pacitor, however,a1μF solid tantalum capacitor shouldbe
usedonthe input.A0.1μFor larger capacitor maybe usedthe outputto reduce load transient spikes createdbyfast
switching digital logic,orto swampout stray load capaci-
tance. overall worst case specificationforthe combined effects input voltage, load currents, ambient temperature, and
power dissipation ensurethatthe LM123will perform satis-
factorilyasa system element.
For applications requiring other voltages,see LM150 series
adjustable regulator data sheet.
Operationis guaranteed overthe junctiontemperature range
−55˚Cto +150˚Cfor LM123, −40˚Cto +125˚Cfor LM323A,
and0˚Cto +125˚Cfor LM323.A hermetic TO-3 packageis
usedfor high reliabilityandlow thermal resistance.
Features Guaranteed1% initial accuracy(A version)3 amp output current Internal currentand thermal limiting 0.01Ω typical output impedance 7.5V minimum input voltage 30W power dissipationP+ Product Enhancement tested
Connection Diagram
Typical Applications
Metal Can PackageDS007771-2
Order Number LM123K STEEL, LM323AK STEELor LM323K STEEL
SeeNS Package Number K02A
Order Number LM123K/883
SeeNS Package Number K02C
Basic3 Amp RegulatorDS007771-3
*Requiredif LM123ismore than4"fromfilter capacitor.
†Regulatoris stablewithnoload capacitorinto resistiveloads.
April 1998
Regulator©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS007771