LM320LZ-5.0 ,0.1 A, 0.6 W, 5 V, 3-terminal negative regulatorFeatures
I Preset output voltage error is less than i5% over load,
line and temperature
I LM ..
LM320LZ-5.0 ,0.1 A, 0.6 W, 5 V, 3-terminal negative regulatorfeatures fixed output voltages of -5V, --12V, and
-15V, with output current capabilities in excess ..
LM320MP-12 ,Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators
LM321 ,Precision Preamplifierapplications where low bias current is more important thanandsupplyrejectionaremorethanafactorof50b ..
LM3211MTADJ ,Step-up PWM DC/DC Converter Integrated with 4 BuffersApplicationsLM3211 uses a patented internal circuitry to limit startupinrush current of the boost s ..
LM3211MT-ADJ ,Step-up PWM DC/DC Converter Integrated with 4 BuffersApplicationsapplication.The LM3211 contains 4 Gamma buffers capablen Cellular Phones/Digital Camera ..
LMC6062IM ,Precision CMOS Dual Micropower Operational Amplifierapplications using the LMC6062 include precision fullwave rectifiers, integrators,references, sampl ..
LMC6062IMX ,Precision CMOS Dual Micropower Operational AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThe LMC6062 is a precision dual low offset voltage, micropower operational ampli ..
LMC6062IN ,Precision CMOS Dual Micropower Operational AmplifierFeatures(Typical Unless Otherwise Noted) - Low offset voltage. ..
LMC6064AIM ,Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+−Unless otherwise specified, all limits ensured for T = 25°C. Boldface l ..
LMC6064AIMX ,Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+ −Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C. Boldfa ..
LMC6064AIN ,Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational AmplifierFeaturesThe LMC6064 is a precision quad low offset voltage, mi- (Typical Unless Otherwise Noted)cro ..
0.1 A, 0.6 W, 12 V, 3-terminal negative regulator
National _
, Semiconductor
LM320L 3-Terminal Negative Regulators
General Description
The LM320L series of 3-terminal negative voitage regula-
tors features fixed output voltages of -5V, --12V, and
- 15V, with output current capabilities in excess of 100 mA.
These devices were designed using the latest computer
techniques for optimizing the packaged IC thermal/electri-
cal performance. The LM320L series, even when combined
with a minimum output compensation capacitor of 0.1 pF,
exhibits an excellent transient response, a maximum line
regulation of 0.07% VofV, and a maximum load regulation
of 0.01% Vo/mA.
The LM320L series also includes, as seIf-protection circuit-
ry: safe operating area circuitry for output transistor power
dissipation limiting, a temperature independent short circuit
current limit for peak output current limiting, and a thermal
shutdown circuit to prevent excessive junction temperature.
Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators,
these devices may be combined with simple external circuit-
ry for boosted and/or adjustable voltages and currents. The
LM320L series is available in the 3-Iead T0-92 package.
For output voltages other than -5V, -12V and -15V, the
LM137 and LM137HV series provide an output voltage
range from -1.2V to -47V.
Preset output voltage error is less than 15% over load,
line and temperature
LM320L is specified at an output current of 100 mA
Internal short-circuit, thermal and safe operating area
Easily adjustable to higher output voltages
Maximum line regulation less than 0.07% VOUT/V
Maximum load regulation less than 0.01% VouT/mA
Easily compensated with a small 0.1 " output
Device Package
LM320L TO-92 (Z) 0.6W 0.1A
Connection Diagram
TO-92 Plastlc Package (Z)
Order Number LM320LZ-5.0,
LM320LZ-12 or LM320LZ-15
See NS Package Number 203A
Absolute Maximum Ratings
" MllltaryfAttroapaee Bpeclfltrd devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
OfflttefDlatrltttttttrs for availability and apeclfltxttlons.
Input Voltage
Operating Temperature Range
0°C to + 70'C
Maximum Junction Temperature + 125°C
Storage Temperature Range
Molded T0-92 - 55°C to + 150°C
VOUT = -EN 12V and 15V - 35V Lead Temperature
Internal Power Dissipation (Soldering, 10 sec.) 260°C
(Notes 1 and 3) Internally Limited
Electrical Characteristics (Note 2) TA = 0'C to + 70''C unless otherwise noted.
Output Voltage - 5V - 12V - 15V
Input Voltage (unless otherwise noted) - 10V - 17V - 20V Units
Symbol Parameter Conditions Mln I Typ rMax Mln I Typ I Max Mln I Typ I Max
vo Output Voltage Ti = 25°C, lo = 100 mA -5.2 -5 -4.8 - 12.5 - 12 -11.5 --15.6 -15 --14.4
ImAg Io S 100mA -5.25 -4.75 -12.6 -11.4 -15.75 -14.25
VMIN S VIN S VMAX (-20 S VIN S -7.5) (-27 S VIN S -14.8) (-30 S VIN S -18) V
1mA S Io S 40mA -5.25 -4.75 -12.6 --11.4 -15.75 --14.25
VMIN g VIN S VMAX (-20 S VIN S -7) (-27 S VIN S --14.5) (-30 S VIN S -17.5)
AVO Line Regulation Ti = 25''C, lo = 100 mA 60 45 45 mV
VMIN S VIN S VMAX (-20 S I/mo S -7.3) (-27 S VIN S -l4.6) (-30 S VIN S -17.7) V
Ti = 25°C, lo = 40 mA 60 45 45 mV
VMiN S VIN S VMAx (-20 S VIN g -7)
(-27 S VIN S -14.5)
(-30 s " sf -17.5) v
AVo Load Regulation T] = 25°C
1mAsrlosc100rnA 50 100 125 mV
AVo Long Term Stability Io = 100 mA 20 48 60 mV/khr
lo Quiescent Current Io = 100 mA 2 6 2 6 2 6 mA
AIO QuiescentCurrent 1 mA s; lo 3 100 mA 0.3 0.3 0.3 m A
Change 1 mA s; lo s; 40 mA 0.1 0.1 0.1
io = 100 mA 0.25 0.25 0.25 mA
VMIN S " S VMAX (-20 S VIN S -7.5) (-27 g VIN S -14.8) (-30 S VIN S -18) V
Vn Output Noise Voltage Ti = 25°C, lo = 100 mA 40 96 120 V
f-- 10 Hz-10kHz "
Av.” Ripple Rejection T] = 25°C, IO = 100 mA 50 52 50 dB
AVO f = 120 Hz
InputVoltago T] = 25°C
Required to Maintain lo = 100 mA -7.3 --14.6 --17.7 V
Line Regulation Io = 40 mA -7.0 -14.5 -17.5
Note 1: Thermal resistance of 2 package is typically GO'CIW 94c. 232‘C/W ' at still alr. and 85°C/W at 400 ft/min of air. The maximum junction temperature shall
not exceed 125°C on electrical parameters.
Note 2: To ensure constant Junction temperature pulse tmirth? is used,
Typical Performance Characteristics
Maximum Average Power
Dlaslpatlon iT 0-92)
J) I I ‘I'
a/ts" m0 odm -
" mu PC 00m)
0.4" LEAD tmtmTs
N - FROM " noun "s,
nan: "
POWER oussmmu (w)
o 15 30 45 00 "
Ta- mum mavwmz (N)
Dropout Voltage
AV”: 100 mV
-m bxt00rnh
avomuoomv Cd)'',',,)
-sv b--trmh ii
0 as 50 75 I00 15
V JUNCDON n:nmumn: (%
Ouloaoent Currant
M T=0°c
T] " 25°C
25 Peak Output Current
Av”: 100
0.10 Tr" l 25°C
Rlpple Rejection
V =-12V
VOUT = -5V
101 102 ta' ttf Itis
-5 '10 "ts '20
-25 -30 ~35 to tat
NPUT vows: (V)
Short Clrcult Output
025 'e tre P'i' tte
Ce.". 0.21) T, = "f ,
E o.m T, =125°c _
E m0 \
0 -5 -10 -1s -20 -25 -30 ~35
mm vomc: (v)
Output Voltage "
Temperature (Normalized
to 1V tit 25°C)
vmz-nv m -24v
hit" OUT='5V
wmn voma: (mm)
o a $0 " 100 tth
V Juncnou mrmma: (N)
Output Impedance
T I25°C
ttf ttis ttf
rnsouzm (H1)
Schematic Diagrams
tut ftt3
IN ‘00
rl,, 013 "t,
tl" 015
tttt tttt
- 12V and - 15V
Typical Applications
Fixed Output Regulator
' l tlm
- 10tt
cw; - ....e c2” ' -
il.33vF-- - U.‘ "
-llmt2 want a o -Vour GND
'Required if the regulator is located far from the power supply filter. A 1 “F Mtiil
aluminum ttltsctrtstytic may be tsubstituted.
"Required tor stability. A 1 pF aluminum electrolytic may be substituted.
Adjustable Output Regulator
Cl -- -- tt
$.33wF T"-" T-- MuF
-Vm o-ir-. o-o -1tty
TL/HI7821 -6
-Vo = -5V - (5V/R1 + la) . R2,
5wn1 > ale
i ISV, 100 mA Dual Power Supply
0.33uF -
TC.' u
-Vwr- -15VOIMIA
TL/H/7821 -7
This datasheet has been :
Datasheets for electronic components.
National Semiconductor was acquired by Texas Instruments.
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
LM320LZ-12 - product/Im320lz-12?HQS=T|-nulI-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe
LM320LZ-5.0 - product/Im320lz-5.0?HQS=T|-nu|I-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf-null-wwe
LM320LZ-15 - product/Im320lz-15?HQS=T|-nul|—nul|—dscata|og-df—pf—nu||—wwe