LM319J ,Dual ComparatorGeneral Descriptionn Typically 80 ns response time at ±15VThe LM119 series are precision high speed ..
LM319M ,Dual ComparatorLM119/LM219/LM319 High Speed Dual ComparatorAugust 2000LM119/LM219/LM319High Speed Dual Comparators ..
LM319MX ,Dual ComparatorElectrical Characteristics (Note 5)Parameter Conditions LM119/LM219 UnitsMin Typ MaxInput Offset Vo ..
LM319N ,Dual ComparatorLM319Dual Comparator
LM32 ,Dual Thermal Diode Temperature Sensor with SensorPathtrade BusGeneral Descriptionn Internal local temperature zoneThe LM32 is a digital temperature sensor that m ..
LM3200 ,Miniature, Adjustable, Step-Down DC-DC Converter with Bypass Mode for RF Power AmplifiersApplicationsage. A high switching frequency (2 MHz) allows use of tinyn Cellular Phonessurface-moun ..
LMC6035ITLX ,Low Power 2.7V Single Supply CMOS Operational Amplifiers
LMC6036IMX/NOPB ,Low Power 2.7V Single Supply CMOS Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics+−Unless otherwise specified, all limits ensured for T = 25°C, V = 2.7V, ..
LMC6041AIM ,CMOS Single Micropower Operational Amplifier
LMC6041AIN ,CMOS Single Micropower Operational Amplifier
LMC6041AIN ,CMOS Single Micropower Operational Amplifier
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High Speed Dual Comparator
High Speed Dual Comparator
General DescriptionThe LM119 seriesare precision high speed dual compara-
tors fabricatedona single monolithic chip. Theyarede-
signed tooperate overa wide rangeof supply voltagesdowna single5V logic supplyand ground. Further, they have
higher gain and lower input currents than deviceslikethe
LM710. The uncommitted collectorofthe output stage
makesthe LM119 compatible withRTL, DTLandTTLaswell capableof driving lampsand relaysat currentsupto25
The LM319A offers improved precision overthe standard
LM319, with tighter toleranceson offset voltage, offsetcur-
rent,and voltage gain.
Features Two independent comparators Operates froma single5V supply Typically80ns response timeat ±15V Minimum fan-outof2 each side Maximum input currentof1μA over temperature Inputsand outputscanbe isolated from system ground High common mode slew rate
Althoughdesigned primarilyfor applicationsrequiringopera-
tion from digital logic supplies,the LM119 seriesare fully
specifiedfor power suppliesupto ±15V.It features fasterre-
sponse thanthe LM111atthe expenseof higher powerdis-
sipation. However,the high speed, wide operating voltage
rangeandlow package count makethe LM119 much more
versatile than older deviceslikethe LM711.
The LM119is specified from −55˚Cto +125˚C,the LM219is
specified from −25˚Cto +85˚C,andthe LM319Aand LM319
are specified from0˚Cto +70˚C.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line PackageDS005705-4
Note1:Also availableper SMD# 8601401or JM38510/10306
Top View
Order Number LM119J, LM119J/883 (Note1),
LM219J, LM319J, LM319AM, LM319M,
LM319ANor LM319N
SeeNS Package Number J14A, M14Aor N14AMay 1999
Comparator 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005705