LM318N ,Operational AmplifierMaximum RatingsSupply Voltage ±20V(3)Power Dissipation 500 mW(4)Differential Input Current ±10 mA(5 ..
LM318P ,Single High-Speed Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
LM318PSR ,Single High-Speed Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage: V ..
LM319 ,Dual Comparatorapplications re-Temperature RangeNumberNDquiring operation from digital logic supplies, thecomparat ..
LM319AM ,High Speed Dual ComparatorGeneral Descriptionrange and low package count make the LM119 much moreThe LM119 series are precisi ..
LM319AMX ,High Speed Dual ComparatorGeneral Descriptionrange and low package count make the LM119 much moreThe LM119 series are precisi ..
LMC6034IM ,CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierLMC6034 CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierAugust 2000LMC6034CMOS Quad Operational Amplifiern Low offse ..
LMC6034IM. ,CMOS Quad Operational Amplifierfeatures include an input common-mode range+n I = 400 µA/amplifier; independent of Vthatreachesgrou ..
LMC6034IMX ,CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierGeneral Descriptionn Ultra low input bias current: 40 fAThe LMC6034 is a CMOS quad operational ampl ..
LMC6034IMX/NOPB ,CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed ..
LMC6034IN ,CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierFeaturesn Long-term integratorn Specified for 2 kΩ and 600Ω loads n Sample-and-hold circuitn High v ..
LMC6035IMMX ,Low Power 2.7V Single Supply CMOS Operational Amplifiers
Operational Amplifier
LM118-N, LM218-N, LM318-N
www.ti.com SNOSBS8C –MARCH 1998–REVISED MARCH 2013
LM118-N/lm218-N/LM318-N Operational Amplifiers
Checkfor Samples: LM118-N, LM218-N, LM318-N
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM118 series are precision high speed
15 MHz Small Signal Bandwidth operational amplifiers designed for applications
• Ensured 50V/μs Slew Rate requiring wide bandwidth and high slew rate. They
Maximum Bias Currentof 250 nA featurea factorof ten increasein speed over general
purpose devices without sacrificing DC performance.
• Operates from Suppliesof ±5Vto ±20V Internal Frequency Compensation The LM118 series has internal unity gain frequency
compensation. This considerably simplifies its
• Input and Output Overload Protected application since no external components are
• Pin Compatible with General Purpose Op necessary for operation. However, unlike most
Amps internally compensated amplifiers, external frequency
compensation may be added for optimum
performance. For inverting applications, feedforward
compensation will boost the slew rate to over
150V/μs and almost double the bandwidth.
Overcompensation can be used with the amplifier for
greater stability when maximum bandwidthis not
needed. Further,a single capacitor can be addedto
reduce the 0.1% settling timeto under1 μs.
The high speed and fast settling timeof these op
amps make them usefulin A/D converters, oscillators,
active filters, sample and hold circuits, or general
purpose amplifiers. These devices are easyto apply
and offer an order of magnitude better AC
performance than industry standards such as the
The LM218-Nis identicalto the LM118 except that
the LM218-N has its performance specified overa
−25°Cto +85°C temperature range. The LM318-Nis
specified from 0°Cto +70°C.