LM3189N ,LM3189 FM IF SystemFeaturesY bExceptional limiting sensitivity: 12 mV typ at 3dBTheLM3189Nisamonolithicintegratedcircu ..
LM3189N ,LM3189 FM IF Systemfeatures the optional use of a mutingYExternally programmable recovered audio level(squelch) circui ..
LM3189N ,LM3189 FM IF Systemfeatures such as programmable delayed AGCYProvides specific signal for direct drive of a tuning me- ..
LM3189N+ ,LM3189 FM IF SystemLM3189FMIFSystemApril1987LM3189FMIFSystemGeneralDescription
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LM3189 FM IF System
April 1987
LM3189 FM IF System
General Description
The LM3189Nisa monolithic integrated circuitthat provides
allthe functionsofa comprehensiveFMIF system. The
block diagramofthe LM3189N includes athreestageFMIF
amplifier/limiter configuration with level detectorsfor each
stage,a doubly balanced quadratureFM detector andan
audio amplifier that featuresthe optionaluseofa muting
(squelch) circuit.
The advancedcircuit designoftheIF system includes desir-
able deluxe features suchas programmable delayed AGC
fortheRF tuner,an AFC drive circuit,andan output signal drivea tuning meter and/or provide stereo switchinglog-
ic.In addition, internal power supply regulators maintaina
nearly constant current drain overthe voltage supply range a8.5Vto a16V.
The LM3189Nis idealfor high fidelity operation. Distortionan LM3189NFMIF systemis primarilya functionofthe
phase linearity characteristicofthe outboard detector coil.
The LM3189N hasallthe featuresofthe LM3089N plus
The LM3189N utilizesthe 16-lead dual-in-line plastic pack-
ageandcan operate over theambient temperature rangeof
b40§Cto a85§C.
Features Exceptional limiting sensitivity:12mVtypat b3dB
point Low distortion: 0.1%typ (with double-tuned coil) Single-coil tuning capability Improved(Sa N)/N ratio Externally programmable recovered audio level Provides specific signalfor controlof inter-channel mut-
ing (squelch) Provides specific signalfor direct driveofa tuning me-
terOn channel stepfor search control Provides programmable AGC voltageforRF amplifier Providesa specific circuitfor flexible audio output Internal supply voltage regulators Externally programmableON channel step width, and
deviationat which muting occurs
Block Diagram
All resistance valuesareinX tuneswith100pF(C)at10.7 MHz,Q0j75
(TokoNo. KACSK586HM orequivalent)
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.