LM318 ,High Speed Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
LM318 ,High Speed Operational Amplifier/sc/package.Copyright 2002, Texas Instruments Incorporated !"# ..
LM318 ,High Speed Operational Amplifierapplications, feedforward com-YGuaranteed 50V/ms slew ratepensation will boost the slew rate to ove ..
LM318 ,High Speed Operational Amplifierapplications requiring wide bandwidth These devices are easy to apply and offer an order of mag-and ..
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LM3189N ,LM3189 FM IF Systemfeatures the optional use of a mutingYExternally programmable recovered audio level(squelch) circui ..
LMC6022IMX/NOPB ,Low Power CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)+−The following specifications apply for V = 5V, V = 0V, V = ..
LMC6022IN ,Low Power CMOS Dual Operational AmplifierFeaturesn Medical instrumentationn Specified for 100 kΩ and5kΩ loadsn Industrial controlsn High vol ..
LMC6024IM ,Low Power CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierLMC6024 Low Power CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierAugust 2000LMC6024Low Power CMOS Quad Operational ..
LMC6024IMX ,Low Power CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierGeneral Description−n Input common-mode range includes VThe LMC6024 is a CMOS quad operational ampl ..
LMC6024IN ,Low Power CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierFeaturesn Medical instrumentationn Specified for 100 kΩ and5kΩ loadsn Industrial controlsn High vol ..
LMC6032 ,CMOS Dual Operational AmplifierLMC6032CMOSDualOperationalAmplifierNovember1994LMC6032CMOSDualOperationalAmplifierYUltra low input ..
High Speed Operational Amplifier
November 1994
Operational Amplifiers
General Description
The LM118 seriesare precision high speed operationalam-
plifiers designedfor applications requiring wide bandwidth
and high slew rate. They featurea factoroften increasein
speed over general purpose devices without sacrificingDC
The LM118 series has internal unity gain frequency com-
pensation. This considerably simplifiesits application since external componentsare necessaryfor operation. How-
ever, unlike most internally compensated amplifiers, exter-
nal frequency compensation maybe addedfor optimum
performance.For inverting applications, feedforward com-
pensationwill boostthe slew rateto over 150V/msandal-
most double the bandwidth. Overcompensation canbe
used withthe amplifierfor greater stability when maximum
bandwidthisnot needed. Further,a single capacitorcanbe
addedto reducethe 0.1% settling timeto under1ms.
The high speed and fast settling timeof theseop amps
make them usefulin A/D converters, oscillators, activefil-
ters, sample andhold circuits,or general purpose amplifiers.
These devicesare easyto applyand offeran orderof mag-
nitude betterAC performance than industry standards suchthe LM709.
The LM218is identicaltothe LM118 exceptthatthe LM218
hasits performance specified overa b25§Cto a85§C tem-
perature range.The LM318is specified from 0§Cto a70§C.
Features15 MHz small signal bandwidth Guaranteed 50V/ms slew rate Maximum bias currentof 250nA Operates from suppliesof g5Vto g20V Internal frequency compensation Inputand output overload protectedPin compatible with general purposeop amps
Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Order Number LM118J/883*
SeeNS Package NumberJ14A
Dual-In-Line Package
LM318Mor LM318N
SeeNS Package NumberJ08A, M08Aor N08B
Metal Can Package**
**Pin connections shownon schematic diagram
and typical applicationsarefor TO-5package.
Order Number LM118H, LM118H/883*,
SeeNS Package Number H08C*Availableper JM38510/10107.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.