LM317LIBPX ,3-Terminal Adjustable Regulatorapplications. Since the regulator isn Available in TO-92, SO-8, or 6-Bump micro SMD“floating” and s ..
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3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator
3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM317Lisan adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage
regulator capableof supplying 100mA overa 1.2Vto 37V
output range.Itis exceptionally easyto use and requires
only two external resistorstosetthe output voltage. Further,
both line and load regulation are better than standard fixed
regulators. Also,the LM317Lis available packagedina stan-
dard TO-92 transistor package whichis easyto use. additionto higher performance than fixed regulators, the
LM317L offersfull overload protection. Includedon the chip
are current limit, thermal overload protection and safe area
protection.All overload protection circuitry remains fully func-
tional evenifthe adjustment terminalis disconnected.
Normally,no capacitorsare needed unlessthe deviceis situ-
ated more than6 inches from the input filter capacitorsin
which casean input bypassis needed.An optional output
capacitor canbe addedto improve transient response. The
adjustment terminal canbe bypassedto achieve very high
ripple rejection ratios which are difficultto achieve with stan-
dard 3-terminal regulators.
Besides replacing fixed regulators,the LM317Lis usefulina
wide varietyof other applications. Since the regulatoris
“floating” and sees only the input-to-output differential volt-
age, suppliesof several hundred volts canbe regulatedas
longas the maximum input-to-output differentialis not ex-
Also,it makesan especially simple adjustable switching
regulator,a programmable output regulator,orby connecting fixed resistor between the adjustment and output, the
LM317L canbe usedasa precision current regulator. Sup-
plies with electronic shutdown canbe achievedby clamping
the adjustment terminalto ground which programsthe out-
putto 1.2V where most loads draw little current.
The LM317Lis availableina standard TO-92 transistor
package,the SO-8 package, and 6-Bump micro SMD pack-
age. The LM317Lis ratedfor operation overa −25˚Cto
125˚C range.
Features Adjustable output downto 1.2V Guaranteed 100 mA output current Line regulation typically 0.01%V Load regulation typically 0.1% Current limit constant with temperature Eliminatesthe needto stock many voltages Standard 3-lead transistor package80dB ripple rejection Availablein TO-92, SO-8,or 6-Bump micro SMD
package Outputis short circuit protected See AN-1112for micro SMD considerations
Connection Diagrams
TO-92 Plastic packageDS009064-4
8-Pin SOICDS009064-5
Top ViewMarch 2000