LM3146N ,LM3146 High Voltage Transistor ArrayLM3146HighVoltageTransistorArrayFebruary1995LM3146HighVoltageTransistorArrayGeneralDescription
LM3150MH , SIMPLE SWITCHER® CONTROLLER, 42V Synchronous Step-Down
LM3150MHE , SIMPLE SWITCHER® CONTROLLER, 42V Synchronous Step-Down
LM3150MHX , SIMPLE SWITCHER® CONTROLLER, 42V Synchronous Step-Down
LM3150MHX , SIMPLE SWITCHER® CONTROLLER, 42V Synchronous Step-Down
LM3150MHX/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? CONTROLLER, 42V Synchronous Step-Down 14-HTSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS561G–SEPTEMBER 2008–REVISED SEPTEMBER 20156 Pin Configuration and FunctionsHTSSOP PWP14 PINSTo ..
LMBT6520LT1G , High Voltage Transistor PNP Silicon RoHS requirements.
LMBT6520LT1G , High Voltage Transistor PNP Silicon RoHS requirements.
LMBTA05LT1G , Driver Transistors RoHS requirements.
LMBTA05LT1G , Driver Transistors RoHS requirements.
LMBTA06LT1G , Driver Transistors RoHS requirements.
LMBTA56LT1G , Driver Transistors PNP Silicon RoHS requirements.
LM3146 High Voltage Transistor Array
February 1995
LM3146 High Voltage Transistor Array
General Description
The LM3146 consistsoffive high voltage general purpose
silicon NPN transistorsona common monolithic substrate.
Twoofthe transistorsare internally connectedto forma
differentially-connected pair. The transistorsarewell suiteda wide varietyof applicationsinlow power systeminthe through VHF range. They maybe usedas discrete tran-
sistorsin conventional circuits however,in addition, they
providethe very significant inherent integrated circuitad-
vantagesof close electrical and thermal matching. The
LM3146is suppliedina 14-lead molded dual-in-line pack-
agefor applications requiring onlya limited temperature
Features High voltage matched pairsof transistors, VBE matched mV, input offset current2mA maxatICe 1mA Five general purpose monolithic transistors Operation fromdcto 120 MHz Wide operating current range Low noise figure 3.2dBtypat1 kHz
Applications General useinall typesof signal processing systems
operating anywhereinthe frequency range fromdcto
VHF Custom designed differential amplifiers Temperature compensated amplifiers
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Lineand Small Outline Packages
Top View
OrderNumber LM3146Mor LM3146N
SeeNSPackage Number M14Aor N14A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.