LM306H ,Voltage ComparatorGeneral Description+125˚C military temperature range. The LM306 is specifiedThe LM106 series are hi ..
LM306P ,Single, Strobed, High Speed Differential Comparator with Push-Pull Outputsmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
LM307H ,Operational Amplifiers
LM307N ,Operational AmplifiersLM107/LM207/LM307OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM107/LM207/LM307OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM308 ,Operational AmplifiersLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM308 ,Operational AmplifiersLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM9820CCWMX ,LM9810/20 10/12-Bit Image Sensor Processor Analog Front EndGeneral DescriptionThe LM9810 and LM9820 are high performance Analog Front
LM9822CCWM ,3 Channel 42-Bit Color Scanner Analog Front End
LM9823CCWM ,3 Channel 48-Bit Color Scanner Analog Front End
LM9823CCWMX ,3 Channel 48-Bit Color Scanner Analog Front End
LM9830 ,36-Bit Color Document Scanner
LM9830VJD ,36-Bit Color Document Scanner
Voltage Comparator
Voltage Comparator
General DescriptionThe LM106 seriesare high-speed voltage comparatorsde-
signedto accurately detect low-level analog signals and
drivea digital load. Theyare equivalenttoan LM710, com-
binedwithatwo input NAND gateandan output buffer.The
circuitscan drive RTL,DTLor TTLintegrated circuits directly.
Furthermore, their outputscan switch voltagesupto 24Vat
currentsas highas10mA.
The devices have short-circuit protection which limitsthein-
rush current whenitis usedto drive incandescent lamps,in
additionto preventing damage from accidental shortstothe
positive supply.The speedis equivalenttothatofan LM710.
However, theyare even faster where buffersand additional
logic circuitrycanbe eliminatedbythe increased flexibilityof
the LM106 series. They can alsobe operated from any
negative supply voltage between −3Vand −12Vwithlittleef-
fecton performance.
The LM106is specifiedfor operation overthe −55˚Cto
+125˚C military temperature range.The LM306is specified
for operation over0˚Cto +70˚C temperature range.
Features Improved accuracy Fan-outof10 with DTLorTTL Added logicor strobe capability Usefulasa relayor lamp driver Plug-in replacementforthe LM71040ns maximum response time
December 1994
LM106/LM306 1997NationalSemiconductor Corporation DS007756 1