LM301AH ,Operational AmplifiersMaximum RatingsLM101A/LM201A LM301ASupply Voltage ±22V ±18VDifferential Input Voltage ±30V ±30V(3)I ..
LM301AN ,SINGLE BIPOLAR OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSOrder this document by LM301A/D** *A general purpose operational amplifier that allows the user to ..
LM302H ,Voltage FollowersLM102/LM302VoltageFollowersNovember1994LM102/LM302VoltageFollowersGeneralDescriptionThe LM102 serie ..
LM3045 ,Transistor Arrayapplicationsinlow YOperation from DC to 120 MHzpower system in the DC through VHF range. They may b ..
LM3045J ,LM3045/LM3046/LM3086 Transistor ArraysLM3045/LM3046/LM3086TransistorArraysDecember1994LM3045/LM3046/LM3086TransistorArraysGeneralDescript ..
LM3046M ,Transistor ArrayFeaturesn Two matched pairs of transistorsThe LM3046 consists of five general purpose silicon NPN±V ..
LM95235DIMM , Precision Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface and TruTherm™ Technology
LM95235DIMM/NOPB ,?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP -40 to 90FEATURES KEY SPECIFICATIONS2• Remote and Local Temperature Channels • Supply Voltage 3.0 to 3.6 V• ..
LM95235QEIMM ,Automotive Grade, ?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus 8-VSSOP -40 to 85FEATURES KEY SPECIFICATIONS2• Remote and Local Temperature Channels • Supply Voltage 3.0 to 3.6 V• ..
LM95235QEIMM/NOPB ,Automotive Grade, ?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed ..
LM95245CIM/NOPB ,?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus Interface 8-SOIC Maximum RatingsSupply Voltage, V−0.3V to 6.0VDDVoltage at SMBDAT, SMBCLK, T_CRIT, OS/A0 Pins−0.5V t ..
LM95245CIMM ,?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM95245 is an 11-bit digital temperature sensor2• Remote and Local Temperat ..
Operational Amplifier 8-TO-99 0 to 70
LM101A-N, LM201A-N, LM301A-N
LM101A/LM201A/LM301A Operational Amplifiers
Checkfor Samples: LM101A-N, LM201A-N, LM301A-N
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM101A series are general purpose operational
• Improved Specifications include: amplifiers which feature improved performance over
• Offset Voltage3 mV Maximum Over industry standards like the LM709. Advanced
Temperature (LM101A/LM201A) processing techniques make possible an order of
Input Current 100 nA Maximum Over magnitude reductionin input currents, anda redesign the biasing circuitry reduces the temperature drift
Temperature (LM101A/LM201A) input current.
• Offset Current20 nA Maximum Over
Temperature (LM101A/LM201A) This amplifier offers many features which make its
application nearly foolproof: Overload protection on
• Specified Drift Characteristics the input and output, no latch-up when the common
• Offsets Specified Over Entire Common Mode mode range is exceeded, and freedom from
and Supply Voltage Ranges oscillations and compensation witha single 30 pF
Slew Rateof 10V/μsasa Summing Amplifier Capacitor. It has advantages over internally
compensated amplifiers in that the frequency
compensation can be tailored to the particular
application. For example,in low frequency circuitsit
can be overcompensated for increased stability
marginor the compensation canbe optimizedto give
more thana factor of ten improvement in high
frequency performancefor most applications. Addition, the device provides better accuracy and
lower noisein high impedance circuitry. The low input
currents also makeit particularly well suited for long
interval integratorsor timers, sample and hold circuits
and low frequency waveform generators. Further,
replacing circuits where matched transistor pairs
buffer the inputsof conventional IC op amps,It can
give lower offset voltage anda driftata lower cost.
The LM101Ais ensured overa temperature rangeof
−55°Cto +125°C, the LM201A from −25°Cto +85°C,
and the LM301A from 0°Cto +70°C.
Fast AC-DC Converter