LM2990WG5.0-QML ,Negative Low Dropout RegulatorApplicationsand temperature extremes.n Post switcher regulatorThe LM2990 is short-circuit proof, an ..
LM2991S ,Negative Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorFeatures- Output voltage adjustable from -2V to -25V - Output current in excess of 1A - Dropout vol ..
LM2991SX ,Negative Low Dropout Adjustable Regulatorfeatures a ON/Offpin for remote shutdown capability. The LM2991 uses new circuit design techniques ..
LM2991SX/NOPB ,Negative Low Dropout Adjustable Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125features a ON /OFF pin for remote• Dropout Voltage Typically 0.6 V at 1-A Loadshutdown capability.• ..
LM2991T ,Negative Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 09/06/95MNLM2991-X REV 1A1Last Update Date: 09/22/00 ..
LM299H ,Precision Reference
LM93CIMT ,Hardware Monitor with Integrated Fan Control for Server ManagementGeneral Descriptionn 8 general purpose I/Os:TheLM93,hardwaremonitor,hasatwowiredigitalinterface— 4 ..
LM93CIMTX ,Hardware Monitor with Integrated Fan Control for Server ManagementFeatures n Resolution 8-bits, 1˚Cn Temperature Sensor Accuracy ±3˚C (max)n 8-bit ΣΔ ADCn Temperatur ..
LM94021BIMG ,?1.5?C Temperature Sensor with Multiple Gain Analog Output Options 5-SC70 -50 to 150FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM94021 is a precision analog output CMOS2• LM94021Q is AEC-Q100 Grade 0 Qu ..
LM94022BIMG ,1.5V, SC70, Multi-Gain Analog Temperature Sensor with Class-AB OutputGeneral Descriptionn AutomotiveThe LM94022 is a precision analog output CMOSn Disk Drivesintegrated ..
LM94022BIMG ,1.5V, SC70, Multi-Gain Analog Temperature Sensor with Class-AB OutputApplicationsjOperatingn Cell phonesTemperature −50˚C to 150˚Cn Wireless TransceiversConnection Diag ..
LM94022BIMG ,1.5V, SC70, Multi-Gain Analog Temperature Sensor with Class-AB OutputFeaturesdigital converter with its transient load requirements. Whilen Low 1.5V operationoperating ..
Negative Low Dropout Regulator
Negative Low Dropout Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM2990isa three-terminal,low dropout,1 ampere
negative voltage regulator available with fixed output volt-
agesof−5, −5.2, −12,and −15V.
The LM2990 uses new circuit design techniquesto provide
low dropoutandlow quiescent current.The dropout voltage1A load currentis typically 0.6V anda guaranteed
worst-case maximumof1V overthe entire operating tem-
perature range. The quiescent currentis typically1mAwith load current andan input-output voltage differential
greater than3V.A unique circuit designofthe internal bias
supply limitsthe quiescent currentto only9mA (typical)
when theregulatorisinthe dropoutmode (VOUT −VIN ≤3V).
Output voltage accuracyis guaranteedto ±5% over load,
and temperature extremes.
The LM2990is short-circuit proof,and thermal shutdownin-
cludes hysteresisto enhancethe reliabilityofthe device
when overloadedforan extended periodof time. The
LM2990is availablein a3-leadTO-220 packageandis rated
for operation overthe automotive temperature rangeof
−40˚Cto +125˚C.
Features5% output accuracy over entire operating range Output currentin excessof1A Dropout voltage typically 0.6Vat1A load Low quiescent current Internal short circuit current limit Internal thermal shutdown with hysteresis Functional complementtothe LM2940 series
Applications Post switcher regulator Local, on-card, regulation Battery operated equipment
Typical Application
Ordering Information and Connection Diagrams
Output Voltage Package
-5.0 -5.2 -12 -15−40˚Cto
LM2990T-5.0 LM2990T-5.2 LM2990T-12 LM2990T-15 TO-220
LM2990S-5.0 LM2990S-12 LM2990S-15 TO-263
5962-9570901QEA J16A
5962-9571101QXA WG16A
*Requiredifthe regulatoris locatedfurtherthan6 inchesfrom thepower supplyfilter capacitors.A1 μFsolid tantalumora10μF aluminum electrolyticcapacitoris recommended.
**Requiredfor stability.Mustbeatleasta10μF aluminum electrolytic ora1μFsolidtantalumto maintain stability.Maybe increased withoutboundtomaintain regulation during transients. Locatethe capacitorascloseas possibletothe regulator.The equivalentseries resistance (ESR)is critical,and
shouldbeless than10Ωover thesame operatingtemperature range asthe regulator.
June 1999
Regulator 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS010801