LM2984CT ,Microprocessor Power Supply SystemFeaturesincludes circuitry which monitors both its own high-currentYThree low dropout tracking regu ..
LM2984T ,Microprocessor Power Supply Systemfeatures three inde-pendent and tracking outputs capable of delivering the n Output current in exce ..
LM2990S-12 ,Negative Low Dropout RegulatorApplications- Post switcher regulator - Local, on-card, regulation - Battery operated equipment 2MI ..
LM2990S-15 ,Negative Low Dropout RegulatorApplications- Post switcher regulator - Local, on-card, regulation - Battery operated equipment 2MI ..
LM2990S-15 ,Negative Low Dropout RegulatorFEATURES SECTIONoProcessing Subgrp Description Temp ( C)MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 1 Static tests ..
LM2990S-5.0 ,Negative Low Dropout RegulatorFeatures- 5% output accuracy over entire operating range - Output current in excess of 1A - Dropout ..
LM9022 ,Vacuum Fluorescent Display Filament DriverGeneral Description Key Specificationsn I during shutdown 0.6µA (typ)The LM9022 is a bridged power ..
LM9022M ,Vacuum Fluorescent Display Filament DriverGeneral Description Key Specificationsn I during shutdown 0.6µA (typ)The LM9022 is a bridged power ..
LM9036M-3.3 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Voltage Regulatorfeaturesn Dropout voltage typically 200mV @ I = 50mAOUTthat are common to low dropout regulators in ..
LM9036M-5.0 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Voltage Regulatorfeatures GND OUT= 0.1mA)low dropout voltage and low current in the standby mode.Withlessthan25µAGro ..
LM9036MM-3.3 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics - LM9036-5.0V = 14V, I = 10 mA, T = 25˚C, unless otherwise specified. Bo ..
LM9036MM-5.0 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics - LM9036-5.0V = 14V, I = 10 mA, T = 25˚C, unless otherwise specified. Bo ..
Microprocessor Power Supply System
May 1989
LM2984C Microprocessor Power Supply System
General Description
The LM2984C positive voltage regulator features threein-
dependent and tracking outputs capableof deliveringthe
powerfor logic circuits, peripheral sensors and standby
memoryina typical microprocessor system. The LM2984C
includes circuitry which monitors bothits own high-current
outputand alsoan externalmP.Ifany error conditionsare
sensedin either, areset errorflagis setand maintaineduntil
the malfunction terminates. Since these functionsarein-
cludedinthe same package withthe three regulators,a
great savingin board spacecanbe realizedinthe typical
microprocessor system. The LM2984C also features very
low dropout voltageson eachofits three regulator outputs
(0.6Vatthe rated output current). Furthermore,the quies-
cent currentcanbe reducedto1mAinthe standby mode.
Designed alsofor vehicular applications,the LM2984Cand
all regulated circuitryare protected from reverse batteryin-
stallationsor 2-battery jumps. Familiar regulator features
suchas short circuit and thermal overload protectionare
also provided. Fixed outputsof5Vare availableinthe plas-
tic TO-220 power package.
Features Threelow dropout tracking regulators Output currentin excessof 500mA Low quiescent current standby regulator Microprocessor malfunction RESETflag Delayed RESETon power-up Accurate pretrimmed5V outputs Reverse battery protection Overvoltage protection Reverse transient protection Short circuit protection Internal thermal overload protection ON/OFF switchfor high current outputs 100% electrical burn-inin thermal limit
Typical Application Circuit
SeeNS Package Number TA11B
COUT mustbeat least10 mFto
maintain stability.Maybe increased
without boundto maintain regulation
during transients. Locateascloseas
possible totheregulator. Thiscapac-
itormustberated overthe sameop-
erating temperature rangeasthe
regulator.The equivalent seriesre-
sistance (ESR)ofthis capacitoris
critical;see curve.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.