LM2940T-12 ,1A Low Dropout RegulatorLM2940/LM2940C 1A Low Dropout RegulatorMarch 2000LM2940/LM2940C1A Low Dropout Regulatormomentarily ..
LM2940T-12.0 ,1A Low Dropout Regulatorfeaturesboth the internal circuits and the load. The LM2940/the ability to source 1A of output curr ..
LM2940T-12.0/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout Regulator 3-TO-220 -40 to 125features such asshort circuit and thermal overload protection are alsoprovided.(1)Device Informatio ..
LM2940T-5.0 ,1A Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral Descriptionage, the regulator will automatically shut down to protectThe LM2940/LM2940C pos ..
LM2940T-5.0/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout Regulator 3-TO-220 -40 to 125Block Diagram... 13Information..... 204 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions m ..
LM2940T-8.0 ,1A Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral DescriptionThe LM2940 positive voltage regulator
LM83CIMQA/NOPB ,Triple Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus, I2C Interface and ACPI Compatible 16-SSOP -40 to 125General Description2n SMBus and I C compatible interface, supportsThe LM83 is a digital temperature ..
LM83CIMQAX ,Triple-Diode Input and Local Digital Temperature Sensor with Two-Wire Interface
LM83CIMQAX ,Triple-Diode Input and Local Digital Temperature Sensor with Two-Wire Interface
LM84BIMQA/NOPB ,?1?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus, I2C Interface 16-SSOP 0 to 125General Descriptionn 7 bit plus sign temperature data formatThe LM84 is a remote diode temperature ..
LM8523 ,V(cc): 8.5 to 16V; 50-60Hz counter for tape recordersjurro SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 'ill, DE. PF_ [1.7308460 "r-"'"- a _," g't _07E. 1300mm: 3 'r', ty, :iTii ..
LM8523 ,V(cc): 8.5 to 16V; 50-60Hz counter for tape recordersjurro SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 'ill, DE. PF_ [1.7308460 "r-"'"- a _," g't _07E. 1300mm: 3 'r', ty, :iTii ..
1A Low Dropout Regulator
LM2940/LM2940C Low Dropout Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM2940/LM2940C positive voltage regulator features
the abilityto source1Aof output current witha dropout volt-
ageof typically 0.5V anda maximumof1V over the entire
temperature range. Furthermore,a quiescent current reduc-
tion circuit has been included which reducesthe ground cur-
rent whenthe differential betweenthe input voltage and the
output voltage exceeds approximately 3V. The quiescent
current with1Aof output current andan input-output differ-
entialof5Vis therefore only30 mA. Higher quiescent cur-
rents only exist when the regulatorisin the dropout mode
(VIN −VOUT≤ 3V).
Designed also for vehicular applications, the LM2940/
LM2940C andall regulated circuitry are protected fromre-
verse battery installationsor 2-battery jumps. During line
transients, suchas load dump when the input voltage can
momentarily exceedthe specified maximum operating volt-
age, the regulator will automatically shut downto protect
both the internal circuits and the load. The LM2940/
LM2940C cannotbe harmedby temporary mirror-imagein-
sertion. Familiar regulator features suchas short circuit and
thermal overload protection are also provided.
Features Dropout voltage typically 0.5V @IO =1A Output currentin excessof1A Output voltage trimmed before assembly Reverse battery protection Internal short circuit current limit Mirror image insertion protectionP+ Product Enhancement tested
Typical Application
Ordering Information
Output Voltage Package5.0 8.0 9.0 10 12 150˚C≤TJ≤ 125˚C LM2940CT-5.0 LM2940CT-9.0 LM2940CT-12 LM2940CT-15 TO-220
LM2940CS-5.0 LM2940CS-9.0 LM2940CS-12 LM2940CS-15 TO-263
−40˚C≤TJ≤ 125˚C LM2940T-5.0 LM2940T-8.0 LM2940T-9.0 LM2940T-10 LM2940T-12 TO-220
LM2940S-5.0 LM2940S-8.0 LM2940S-9.0 LM2940S-10 LM2940S-12 TO-263
−40˚C≤TJ≤ 85˚C LM2940IMP-5.0 LM2940IMP-8.0 LM2940IMP-9.0 LM2940IMP-10 LM2940IMP-12 LM2940IMP-15 SOT-223
LM2940IMPX-5.0 LM2940IMPX-8.0 LM2940IMPX-9.0 LM2940IMPX-10 LM2940IMPX-12 LM2940IMPX-15 SOT-223 Tape
and Reel
SOT-223 Package
L53B L54B L0EB L55B L56B L70B
The physicalsizeofthe SOT-223istoo smallto containthefull devicepart number.The package markings indicatedare whatwill appearonthe actual device.
Output Voltage Package
5.0 8.0 12 15−55˚C≤TJ≤ 125˚C LM2940J-5.0/883
For informationon military temperature range products, pleasegotothe Mil/Aero WebSiteat http:///appinfo/milaero/index.html.
*Requiredif regulatoris locatedfar from power supply filter.
**COUT mustbeat least22μFto maintain stability. Maybe increased without boundto maintain regulation during transients. Locateas closeas possibletothe regulator. This capacitor mustbe rated overthe same operating temperature rangeasthe regulatorandthe ESRis critical;see curve.
March 2000