LM2940CS-12 ,1A Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral Descriptionage, the regulator will automatically shut down to protectThe LM2940/LM2940C pos ..
LM2940CS-15 ,1A Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral Descriptionage, the regulator will automatically shut down to protectThe LM2940/LM2940C pos ..
LM2940CS-15/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout Regulator 3-DDPAK/TO-263 0 to 125Block Diagram... 13Information..... 204 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions m ..
LM2940CS-5.0 ,1A Low Dropout Regulatorfeaturesboth the internal circuits and the load. The LM2940/the ability to source 1A of output curr ..
LM2940CS-50 ,1A Low Dropout Regulatorfeatures such as short circuit andentire temperature range. Furthermore, a quiescent currentthermal ..
LM2940CS-9.0 ,1A Low Dropout RegulatorLM2940/LM2940C 1A Low Dropout RegulatorJanuary 2003LM2940/LM2940C1A Low Dropout Regulatormomentaril ..
LM8333FLQ8Y , Mobile I/O Companion Supporting Key-Scan, I/O Expansion, PWM, and ACCESS.bus Host Interface
LM8333GGR8 , Mobile I/O Companion Supporting Key-Scan, I/O Expansion, PWM, and ACCESS.bus Host Interface
LM8333GGR8/NOPB ,Mobile I/O Companion Supporting Key-Scan, I/O Expansion, PWM, and ACCESS.bus Host Interface 49-csBGA -40 to 85 SNLS246K –SEPTEMBER 2006–REVISED MAY 2013Figure 2. 49-Ball csBGA (Top View)See Package Number NYC0 ..
LM8333GGR8AXSX/NOPB ,Mobile I/O Companion Supporting Key-Scan, I/O Expansion, PWM, and ACCESS.bus Host Interface 49-csBGA FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM8333 Mobile I/O Companion offloads the2• 8 × 8 Standard Keysburden of key ..
LM833DGKR ,Dual High-Speed Audio Operational Amplifier 8-VSSOP -40 to 85 SLOS481B–JULY 2010–REVISED OCTOBER 20146 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD (SOIC), DGK (MSOP), OR P ..
1A Low Dropout Regulator
LM2940/LM2940C Low Dropout Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM2940/LM2940C positive voltage regulator features
the abilityto source 1Aof output current witha dropout
voltageof typically 0.5V anda maximumof1V over the
entire temperature range. Furthermore,a quiescent current
reduction circuit has been included which reduces the
ground current whenthe differential between the input volt-
age andthe output voltage exceeds approximately3V. The
quiescent current with1Aof output current andan input-
output differentialof5Vis therefore only30 mA. Higher
quiescent currents only exist when the regulatorisin the
dropout mode (VIN −VOUT≤ 3V).
Designed also for vehicular applications, the LM2940/
LM2940C andall regulated circuitry are protected fromre-
verse battery installationsor 2-battery jumps. During line
transients, suchas load dump when the input voltage can
momentarily exceedthe specified maximum operating volt-
age, the regulator will automatically shut downto protect
both the internal circuits and the load. The LM2940/
LM2940C cannotbe harmedby temporary mirror-imagein-
sertion. Familiar regulator features suchas short circuit and
thermal overload protection are also provided.
Features Dropout voltage typically 0.5V @IO =1A Output currentin excessof1A Output voltage trimmed before assembly Reverse battery protection Internal short circuit current limit Mirror image insertion protectionP+ Product Enhancement tested
Typical Application*Requiredif regulatoris locatedfar from power supply filter.
**COUT mustbeat least22µFto maintain stability. Maybe increased without boundto maintain regulation during transients. Locateas closeas possiblethe regulator.This capacitor mustbe rated overthe same operating temperature rangeasthe regulatorandthe ESRis critical;see curve.
Ordering Information
Output Voltage Package5.0 8.0 9.0 10 12 150˚C≤TJ≤ 125˚C LM2940CT-5.0 LM2940CT-9.0 LM2940CT-12 LM2940CT-15 TO-220
LM2940CS-5.0 LM2940CS-9.0 LM2940CS-12 LM2940CS-15 TO-263
−40˚C≤TJ≤125˚C LM2940LD-5.0 LM2940LD-8.0 LM2940LD-9.0 LM2940LD-10 LM2940LD-12 LM2940LD-15 LLP1kUnitsTapeandReel
LM2940LDX-5.0 LM2940LDX-8.0 LM2940LDX-9.0 LM2940LDX-10 LM2940LDX-12 LM2940LDX-15 LLP 4.5k
−40˚C≤TJ≤125˚C LM2940T-5.0 LM2940T-8.0 LM2940T-9.0 LM2940T-10 LM2940T-12 TO-220
LM2940S-5.0 LM2940S-8.0 LM2940S-9.0 LM2940S-10 LM2940S-12 TO-263
−40˚C≤TJ≤85˚C LM2940IMP-5.0 LM2940IMP-8.0 LM2940IMP-9.0 LM2940IMP-10 LM2940IMP-12 LM2940IMP-15 SOT-223
LM2940IMPX-5.0 LM2940IMPX-8.0 LM2940IMPX-9.0 LM2940IMPX-10 LM2940IMPX-12 LM2940IMPX-15 SOT-223in Tapeand Reel
SOT-223Package Marking L53B L54B L0EB L55B L56B L70B
The physicalsizeofthe SOT-223istoo smallto containthefull devicepart number.The package markings indicatedare whatwill appearonthe actual device.
January 2003