LM2940 ,1.25A High Current Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Adjustableapplications, the LM2940/YInternal short circuit current limitLM2940C and all regulated circuitry a ..
LM2940CS , 1A Low Dropout Regulator
LM2940CS-12 ,1A Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral Descriptionage, the regulator will automatically shut down to protectThe LM2940/LM2940C pos ..
LM2940CS-15 ,1A Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral Descriptionage, the regulator will automatically shut down to protectThe LM2940/LM2940C pos ..
LM2940CS-15/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout Regulator 3-DDPAK/TO-263 0 to 125Block Diagram... 13Information..... 204 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions m ..
LM2940CS-5.0 ,1A Low Dropout Regulatorfeaturesboth the internal circuits and the load. The LM2940/the ability to source 1A of output curr ..
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LM833 ,DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit2 71Output 2Supply Voltage (V to V ) V +36 VCC EE SInputs 1I ..
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LM8333GGR8/NOPB ,Mobile I/O Companion Supporting Key-Scan, I/O Expansion, PWM, and ACCESS.bus Host Interface 49-csBGA -40 to 85 SNLS246K –SEPTEMBER 2006–REVISED MAY 2013Figure 2. 49-Ball csBGA (Top View)See Package Number NYC0 ..
1A Low Dropout Regulator
June 1994
LM2940/LM2940C 1A Low Dropout Regulator
General Description
The LM2940/LM2940C positive voltage regulator features
the abilityto source1Aof output current witha dropout
voltageof typically 0.5V anda maximumof1V overthe
entire temperature range. Furthermore,a quiescent current
reduction circuit has been included which reducesthe
ground current whenthe differential betweenthe input volt-
ageandthe output voltage exceeds approximately3V.The
quiescent currentwith1Aof outputcurrent andan input-out-
put differentialof5Vis therefore only30 mA. Higher quies-
cent currents only exist whenthe regulatorisinthe dropout
mode (VINb VOUTs 3V).
Designed alsofor vehicular applications, the LM2940/
LM2940C andall regulated circuitryare protected fromre-
verse battery installationsor 2-battery jumps. Duringline
transients, suchas load dump whenthe input voltagecan
momentarily exceedthe specified maximum operating volt-
age,the regulatorwill automatically shut downto protect
both the internal circuits and the load. The LM2940/
LM2940C cannotbe harmedby temporary mirror-imagein-
sertion. Familiar regulator features suchas short circuitand
thermal overload protectionare also provided.
Features Dropout voltage typically 0.5V@IOe1A Output currentin excessof1A Output voltage trimmed before assembly Reverse battery protection Internal short circuit current limit Mirror image insertion protection Pa Product Enhancement tested
Typical Application
*Requiredif regulator islocatedfar frompower supplyfilter.
**COUT mustbe atleast22mF tomaintainstability.May beincreased without boundto maintainregulation during transients. Locate asclose aspossibleto
the regulator.This capacitormustbe ratedoverthe same operating temperature rangeasthe regulatorandtheESRis critical;see curve.
Ordering Information
OutputVoltage Package
5.0 8.0 9.0 10 12 15
0§CsTAs 125§C LM2940CT-5.0 LM2940CT-9.0 LM2940CT-12 LM2940CT-15 TO-220
LM2940CS-5.0 LM2940CS-9.0 LM2940CS-12 LM2940CS-15 TO-263
b40§C sTAs 125§C LM2940T-5.0 LM2940T-8.0 LM2940T-9.0 LM2940T-10 LM2940T-12 TO-220
LM2940S-5.0 LM2940S-8.0 LM2940S-9.0 LM2940S-10 LM2940S-12 TO-263
b55§C sTAs 125§C LM2940K-5.0/883 LM2940K-8.0/883 LM2940K-12/883 LM2940K-15/883 TO-3
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M56/Printed inU.S.A.