LM2937IMP-2.5/NOPB ,400mA and 500mA Voltage Regulator 4-SOT-223 -40 to 85 SNVS015F–FEBRUARY 1998–REVISED NOVEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and Functions3 Pins 4 PinsTO-220 ( ..
LM2937IMP-3.3 ,400mA and 500mA Voltage RegulatorFeaturessupply, or higher input supply voltage, to the lower 2.5V andn Fully specified for operatio ..
LM2937IMP-3.3/NOPB ,400mA and 500mA Voltage Regulator 4-SOT-223 -40 to 85 SNVS015F–FEBRUARY 1998–REVISED NOVEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and Functions3 Pins 4 PinsTO-220 ( ..
LM2937IMP-3.3NOPB ,400mA and 500mA Voltage Regulator 4-SOT-223 -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2937-2.5 and LM2937-3.3 are positive voltage1• Operating Input Voltage ..
LM2937IMP-5.0 ,500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral Descriptiontransients. Familiar regulator
LM2937IMP-5.0 ,500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorFeaturesa load current of 500 mA the minimum input to output voltagen Fully specified for operation ..
LM810M3X-4.63 ,3-Pin Microprocessor Reset Circuits
LM810M3X-4.63 ,3-Pin Microprocessor Reset Circuits
LM81BIMT-3/NOPB ,Serial Interface ACPI-Compatible Microprocessor System Hardware Monitor 24-TSSOP -40 to 125This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
LM81BIMTX-3 ,Serial Interface ACPI-Compatible Microprocessor System Hardware Monitor
LM81CIMTX-3/NOPB ,Serial Interface ACPI-Compatible Microprocessor System Hardware Monitor 24-TSSOP -40 to 125FEATURES APPLICATIONS2• Temperature Sensing • System Thermal and Hardware Monitoring forServers and ..
LM8261M5 NOPB ,RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in SOT23-5 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85 SNOS469J–APRIL 2000–REVISED JANUARY 20155 Pin Configuration and Functions5-Pin SOT-23Package DBV(T ..
400mA and 500mA Voltage Regulator 3-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125
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LM2937-2.5, LM2937-3.3SNVS015F –FEBRUARY 1998–REVISED NOVEMBER 2014
LM2937 2.5-V and 3.3-V 400-mA and 500-mA Voltage Regulators Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2937-2.5 and LM2937-3.3 are positive voltage Operating Input Voltage Range: 4.75Vto26V regulators capableof supplying upto 500 mAof load• Fully Specifiedfor Operation Over −40°Cto 125°C current. Both regulators are ideal for convertinga• Output Currentin Excessof 500 mA (400 mAfor common 5-V logic supply, or higher input supply
SOT-223 package) voltage,to the lower 2.5-V and 3.3-V supplies to
power very-large-scale integrations (VLSI) ASICs and• Output Trimmed for 5% Tolerance UnderAll microcontrollers. Special circuitry has beenOperating Conditions incorporated to minimize the quiescent current to• Wide Output Capacitor ESR Range, 0.01Ωupto typically only 10 mA witha full 500-mA load current5Ω when the inputto output voltage differentialis greater Internal Short Circuit and Thermal Overload than5V.
Protection The LM2937 requires an output bypass capacitor for• Reverse Battery Input Protection stability. As with most regulators utilizinga PNP pass
transistor, the ESRof this capacitor remainsa critical• 60-V Input Transient Protection
design parameter, but the LM2937-2.5 and LM2937-
3.3 include special compensation circuitry that
2 Applications relaxes ESR requirements. The LM2937is stable for• Automotive all ESR ratings less than5Ω. This allows the useof
low ESR chip capacitors.• Industrial Control Point-of-Load Regulation The regulators are also suited for automotive
applications, with built in protection from reverse
Simplified Schematic battery connections, two-battery jumps andupto +60
V/−50V load dump transients. Familiar regulator
features such as short circuit and thermal shutdown
protection are also builtin.
Device Information(1)* Requiredif the regulatoris located more than3inches from the power supply filter capacitors. Required for stability. COUT mustbeat least10 µF(over full expected operating temperature range) (1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumatand locatedas closeas possibleto the regulator. the endofthe datasheet.The equivalent series resistance, ESR,of this
capacitor maybeas highas3Ω.