LM2937IMP-12/NOPB ,500 mA Low Dropout Regulator 4-SOT-223 -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2937 is a positive voltage regulator capable of1• Fully Specified for O ..
LM2937IMP-12/NOPB ,500 mA Low Dropout Regulator 4-SOT-223 -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2937 is a positive voltage regulator capable of1• Fully Specified for O ..
LM2937IMP-15 ,500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorFeaturesa load current of 500 mA the minimum input to output voltagen Fully specified for operation ..
LM2937IMP-2.5 ,400mA and 500mA Voltage Regulatorfeatures such as short circuit andThe LM2937-2.5 and LM2937-3.3 are positive voltage regu-thermal s ..
LM2937IMP-2.5/NOPB ,400mA and 500mA Voltage Regulator 4-SOT-223 -40 to 85 SNVS015F–FEBRUARY 1998–REVISED NOVEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and Functions3 Pins 4 PinsTO-220 ( ..
LM2937IMP-3.3 ,400mA and 500mA Voltage RegulatorFeaturessupply, or higher input supply voltage, to the lower 2.5V andn Fully specified for operatio ..
LM810M3X-3.08 ,3-Pin Microprocessor Reset Circuits
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LM810M3X-4.63 ,3-Pin Microprocessor Reset Circuits
LM810M3X-4.63 ,3-Pin Microprocessor Reset Circuits
LM81BIMT-3/NOPB ,Serial Interface ACPI-Compatible Microprocessor System Hardware Monitor 24-TSSOP -40 to 125This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
LM2937ES-5.0-LM2937ES-5.0/NOPB.-LM2937ESX-5.0/NOPB-LM2937ESX-8.0/NOPB-LM2937ET-5.0/NOPB-LM2937IMP-12/NOPB-LM2937IMP-5.0/NOPB-LM2937IMP-5.0NOPB-LM2937IMPX-12 NOPB-LM2937IMPX-5.0NOPB
500 mA Low Dropout Regulator 3-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125
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LM2937 500-mA Low Dropout Regulator Features 3 DescriptionThe LM2937isa positive voltage regulator capableof Fully Specifiedfor Operation Over −40°Cto 125°C supplyingupto 500 mAof load current. The useofa• Output Currentin Excessof 500 mA PNP power transistor providesa low dropout voltage• Output Trimmed for 5% Tolerance Underall characteristic. Witha load current of 500 mA the
Operating Conditions minimum inputto output voltage differential required
for the outputto remainin regulationis typically 0.5V• Typical Dropout Voltageof 0.5Vat Full Rated (1-V ensured maximum over the full operatingLoad Current temperature range). Special circuitry has been• Wide Output Capacitor ESR Range,upto3Ω incorporated to minimize the quiescent current to Internal Short Circuit and Thermal Overload typically only 10 mA witha full 500-mA load current
Protection when the inputto output voltage differentialis greater
than3V.• Reverse Battery Protection
The LM2937 requires an output bypass capacitor for• 60-V Input Transient Protection
stability. As with most low dropout regulators, the• Mirror Image Insertion Protection ESR of this capacitor remainsa critical design
parameter, but the LM2937 includes special
2 Applications compensation circuitry that relaxes ESR Automotive requirements. The deviceis stable forall ESR belowΩ. This allows the useof low ESR chip capacitors.• Industrial Control
Ideally suited for automotive applications, the LM2937• Point-of-Load regulation
will protect itself and any load circuitry from reversespace battery connections, two-battery jumps, andupto 60-space V/−50-V load dump transients. Familiar regulatorspace features such as short circuit and thermal shutdown
protection are also builtin.
Simplified Schematic
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.