LM2937IMPX-2.5 ,400mA and 500mA Voltage RegulatorFeaturessupply, or higher input supply voltage, to the lower 2.5V andn Fully specified for operatio ..
LM2937IMPX-3.3 ,400mA and 500mA Voltage RegulatorLM2937-2.5, LM2937-3.3 400mA and 500mA Voltage RegulatorsFebruary 1998LM2937-2.5, LM2937-3.3400mA a ..
LM2937IMPX-5.0 ,500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral Descriptiontransients. Familiar regulator
LM2937IMPX-5.0 ,500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorLM2937 500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorJuly 2000LM2937500 mA Low Dropout Regulatornections, two-battery ..
LM2937IMPX-5.0NOPB ,500 mA Low Dropout Regulator 4-SOT-223 -40 to 85 SNVS100F–MARCH 2000–REVISED JULY 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsTO-220 Plastic Package (NDE) ..
LM2937IMPX-8.0 ,500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorLM2937 500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorJuly 2000LM2937500 mA Low Dropout Regulatornections, two-battery ..
LM81CIMTX-3/NOPB ,Serial Interface ACPI-Compatible Microprocessor System Hardware Monitor 24-TSSOP -40 to 125FEATURES APPLICATIONS2• Temperature Sensing • System Thermal and Hardware Monitoring forServers and ..
LM8261M5 NOPB ,RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in SOT23-5 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85 SNOS469J–APRIL 2000–REVISED JANUARY 20155 Pin Configuration and Functions5-Pin SOT-23Package DBV(T ..
LM8261M5X NOPB ,RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in SOT23-5 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85Features... 17.3 Estimating the Output Voltage Swing... 222 Applications..... 17.4 TFT Applications ..
LM8261M5X/NOPB ,RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in SOT23-5 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85Block Diagram and Operational Description.. 19Information..... 274 Revision HistoryChanges from Rev ..
LM8261M5X/NOPB ,RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in SOT23-5 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM8261 is a Rail-to-Rail input and output Op1• (V = 5 V, T = 25°C, Typica ..
LM8262MM NOPB ,RRIO, High Output Current & Unlimited Cap Load Op Amp in MSOP 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM8262 is a Rail-to-Rail input and output Op1(V = 5V, T = 25°C, Typical V ..
400mA and 500mA Voltage Regulator
LM2937-2.5, LM2937-3.3
400mA and 500mA Voltage Regulators
General DescriptionThe LM2937-2.5and LM2937-3.3are positive voltage regu-
lators capableof supplyingupto 500mAof load current.
Both regulatorsare idealfor convertinga common5V logic
supply,or higher input supply voltage,tothe lower 2.5Vand
3.3V suppliesto power VLSI ASIC’s and microcontrollers.
Special circuitryhas been incorporatedto minimizethequi-
escent currentto typicallyonly10mAwithafull500mA load
current whenthe inputto output voltagedifferentialis greater
The LM2937 requiresan output bypass capacitorfor stabil-
ity.As with most regulators utilizinga PNP pass transistor,
the ESRofthis capacitor remainsa critical design param-
eter,butthe LM2937-2.5 and LM2937-3.3 include special
compensation circuitry that relaxes ESR requirements.The
LM2937is stableforall ESR ratings less than5Ω. Thisal-
lowstheuseoflow ESR chip capacitors.
The regulatorsare also suitedfor automotive applications,
with builtin protection from reverse battery connections,
two-battery jumps andupto +60V/−50V load dump tran-
sients. Familiar regulator features suchas short circuit and
thermal shutdown protectionare also builtin.
Features Fully specifiedfor operation over −40˚Cto +125˚C Output currentin excessof500mA (400mAfor
SOT-223 package) Output trimmedfor5% tolerance underall operating
conditions Wide output capacitor ESR range, 0.01Ωupto5Ω Internal short circuitand thermal overload protection Reverse battery protection 60V input transient protection Mirror image insertion protection
Connection Diagram and Ordering Information
TO-220 Plastic PackageDS100113-24
Front View
Order Number LM2937ET-2.5, LM2937ET-3.3,
SeeNS Package Number T03B
SOT-223 Plastic PackageDS100113-25
Front View
Order Number LM2937IMP-2.5, LM2937IMP-3.3,
SeeNS Package Number MA04A
TO-263 Surface-Mount PackageDS100113-26
Top ViewDS100113-27
Side View
Order Number LM2937ES-2.5, LM2937ES-3.3,
SeeNS Package Number TS3BFebruary 1998
Regulators©1998NationalSemiconductor Corporation DS100113