LM2937ET-12 ,500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral Descriptiontransients. Familiar regulator
LM2937ET-12 ,500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorLM2937 500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorJuly 2000LM2937500 mA Low Dropout Regulatornections, two-battery ..
LM2937ET-15 ,500 mA Low Dropout Regulatorapplications, the LM2937 willprotect itself and any load circuitry from reverse battery con-Connect ..
LM2937ET-2.5 ,400mA and 500mA Voltage RegulatorLM2937-2.5, LM2937-3.3 400mA and 500mA Voltage RegulatorsFebruary 1998LM2937-2.5, LM2937-3.3400mA a ..
LM2937ET-3.3 ,400mA and 500mA Voltage RegulatorElectrical specifications do not apply when operating the deviceoutside of its rated Operating Cond ..
LM2937ET-5.0 ,500 mA Low Dropout RegulatorGeneral Descriptiontransients. Familiar regulator
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LM810M3-2.63 ,3-Pin Microprocessor Reset Circuits
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500 mA Low Dropout Regulator
500 mA Low Dropout Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM2937isa positive voltage regulator capableof sup-
plyingupto 500 mAof load current. The useofa PNP power
transistor providesa low dropout voltage characteristic. With load currentof 500 mAthe minimum inputto output voltage
differential requiredfor the outputto remainin regulationis
typically 0.5V (1V guaranteed maximum overthefull operat-
ing temperature range). Special circuitry has been incorpo-
ratedto minimize the quiescent currentto typically only mA withafull 500 mA load current whenthe inputto out-
put voltage differentialis greater than 3V.
The LM2937 requiresan output bypass capacitorfor stabil-
ity.As with most low dropout regulators,the ESRof this ca-
pacitor remainsa critical design parameter,but the LM2937
includes special compensation circuitry that relaxes ESRre-
quirements.The LM2937is stableforall ESR below 3Ω. This
allows the useof low ESR chip capacitors.
Ideally suitedfor automotive applications, the LM2937 will
protect itself and any load circuitry from reverse battery con-
nections, two-battery jumps andupto +60V/−50V load dump
transients. Familiar regulator features suchas short circuit
and thermal shutdown protection are also builtin.
Features Fully specifiedfor operation over −40˚Cto +125˚C Output currentin excessof 500 mA Output trimmedfor 5% tolerance underall operating
conditions Typical dropout voltageof 0.5Vatfull rated load current Wide output capacitor ESR range,upto3Ω Internal short circuit and thermal overload protection Reverse battery protection 60V input transient protection Mirror image insertion protection
Connection Diagram and Ordering Information
TO-220 Plastic PackageDS011280-2
Front View
Order Number LM2937ET-5.0, LM2937ET-8.0,
LM2937ET-10, LM2937ET-12or LM2937ET-15
See NS Package Number T03B
SOT-223 Plastic PackageDS011280-26
Front View
Order Number LM2937IMP-5.0,
LM2937IMP-8.0, LM2937IMP-10,
LM2937IMP-12or LM2937IMP-15
SeeNS Package Number MP04A
TO-263 Surface-Mount PackageDS011280-5
Top ViewDS011280-6
Side View
Order Number LM2937ES-5.0, LM2937ES-8.0,
LM2937ES-10, LM2937ES-12or LM2937ES-15
See NS Package Number TS3BJuly 2000