LM2936M-5.0 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage RegulatorLM2936 Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage RegulatorNovember 2004LM2936Ultra-Low Quiescent Curr ..
LM2936M-5.0 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage Regulatorfeaturesn Dropout voltage typically 200 mV @ I =50mAOthat are common to low dropout regulators incl ..
LM2936M-5.0/NOPB ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125features that are• Fixed 3-V, 3.3-V or 5-V with 50-mA Outputcommon to low dropout regulators includ ..
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LM2936MM-3.3 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low quiescent current (I ≤ 15 µA for I = 100 µA)The LM2936 ultra-low quiescent curr ..
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Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage Regulator
Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO V oltage Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM2936 ultra-low quiescent current regulator features
low dropout voltage and low currentin the standby mode.
With less than15µA quiescent currentata 100µA load,the
LM2936is ideally suitedfor automotive and other battery
operated systems. The LM2936 retainsallof the features
that are commonto low dropout regulators includinga low
dropout PNP pass device, short circuit protection, reverse
battery protection, and thermal shutdown. The LM2936 has 40V maximum operating voltage limit,a −40˚Cto +125˚C
operating temperature range, and ±3% output voltage toler-
ance over the entire output current, input voltage, and tem-
perature range. The LM2936is availableina TO-92 pack-
age, SO-8 and SOT–23 surface mount packages, anda
TO-252 surface mount power package.
Features Ultra low quiescent current(IQ≤15µAforIO= 100 µA) Fixed 3.0V, 3.3Vor 5.0V with50 mA output ±2% Initial output tolerance ±3% Output tolerance over line, load, and temperature Dropout voltage typically 200 mV@IO =50mA Reverse battery protection −50V reverse transient protection Internal short circuit current limit Internal thermal shutdown protection 40V operating voltage limit 60V operating voltage limitfor LM2936HV Shutdown Pin available with LM2936BM package
Typical Application00975901 Requiredif regulatoris located more than2" from power supply filter capacitor. Requiredfor stability.See Electrical Characteristicsfor required values. Mustbe rated over intended operating temperature range. Effective series
resistance (ESR)is critical,see curve. Locate capacitoras closeas possibletothe regulator outputand ground pins. Capacitance maybe increased
without bound.
November 2004