LM2936 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current 5V RegulatorLM2936Ultra-LowQuiescentCurrent5VRegulatorFebruary1995LM2936Ultra-LowQuiescentCurrent5VRegulatorGen ..
LM2936-3.3 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current 3.3V Regulatorfeatures that are common to low dropout regulatorsn Reverse battery protectionincluding a low dropo ..
LM2936-5.0 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current 5V Regulatorfeaturesn Dropout voltage typically 200 mV @ I =50mAOthat are common to low dropout regulators incl ..
LM2936BM-3.0 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage Regulatorfeaturesn Dropout voltage typically 200 mV @ I =50mAOthat are common to low dropout regulators incl ..
LM2936BM-3.3 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage Regulatorfeaturesn Dropout voltage typically 200 mV @ I =50mAOthat are common to low dropout regulators incl ..
LM2936BM-5.0 ,Ultra-Low Quiescent Current LDO Voltage Regulatorfeatures Q Olow dropout voltage and low current in the standby mode. n Fixed 3.0V, 3.3V or 5.0V wit ..
LM79L12ACM ,Series 3-Terminal Negative RegulatorsApplicationsAdjustable Output RegulatorFixed Output Regulator0077480100774803*Required if the regul ..
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LM79L12ACMX ,Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulatorsfeatures fixed output voltages ofFor output voltage other than −5V, −12V and −15V, the−5V, −12V, an ..
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Ultra-Low Quiescent Current 5V Regulator
February 1995
LM2936 Ultra-Low Quiescent Current 5V Regulator
General Description
The LM2936 ultra-low quiescent current regulator features
low dropout voltageandlow currentinthe standby mode.
With less than15mA quiescent currentata100mA load,
the LM2936is ideally suitedfor automotive and otherbat-
tery operated systems.The LM2936 retainsallofthefea-
turesthatare commontolow dropout regulators includinga
low dropout PNP pass device, short circuit protection,re-
verse battery protection, and thermal shutdown. The
LM2936 hasa 40V operating voltage limit, b40§Cto
a125§C operating temperature range, and g3% output
voltage tolerance overthe entire output current, input volt-
age, and temperature range. The LM2936is availablein
botha TO-92 packageandan 8-pinsurfacemount package
witha fixed5V output.
Features Ultralow quiescent current(IQs15mAfors100mA) Fixed5V,50mA output Output tolerance g3% over line, load,and temperature Dropout voltage typically200mV@IOe50mA Reverse battery protection b50V reverse transient protection Internal short circuit current limit Internal thermal shutdown protection 40V operating voltage limit
Typical Application
TL/H/9759–1 Requiredif regulatoris located morethan2×from power supplyfilter
capacitor. Requiredfor stability.Mustberatedfor10mF minimumover intended
operating temperature range. Effective series resistance (ESR)is critical,
see curve.Locate capacitoras closeas possibleto theregulator outputand
groundpins. Capacitancemaybe increasedwithout bound.
Connection Diagrams
TO-92 Plastic Package(Z)
Bottom View
SeeNS Package Number Z03A
Order Number LM2936M-5.0
See NSPackage Number M08A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.