LM2930SX-5.0 ,3-Terminal Positive Regulatorapplications, the LM2930and all regulated circuitry are protected from reverse batteryVoltage Range ..
LM2930SX-5.0 ,3-Terminal Positive Regulatorapplications, the LM2930and all regulated circuitry are protected from reverse batteryVoltage Range ..
LM2930SX-8.0 ,3-Terminal Positive Regulatorfeatures an abilityto source 150 mA of output current with an input-output dif- n Output current in ..
LM2930T-5.0 ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorLM2930 3-Terminal Positive RegulatorApril 1998LM29303-Terminal Positive Regulator
LM2930T-5.0/NOPB ,3-Terminal Positive Regulator 3-TO-220 -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics(2)LM2930-8.0 (V =14V, I =150 mA, T=25°C , C2=10μF, unless otherwise spec ..
LM2930T-8.0 ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorElectrical Characteristics (Note 3)= = = =LM2930-5.0 V 14V, I 150 mA, T 25˚C (Note 6), C2 10 μF, un ..
LM78L12 ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsFeaturesYOutput voltage tolerances of g5% (LM78LXXAC) overThe LM78LXX series of three terminal posi ..
LM78L12 ,3-Terminal Positive Regulators
LM78L12 ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsLM78LXXSeries3-TerminalPositiveRegulatorsFebruary1995LM78LXXSeries3-TerminalPositiveRegulatorsGener ..
LM78L12 ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsLM78LXXSeries3-TerminalPositiveRegulatorsFebruary1995LM78LXXSeries3-TerminalPositiveRegulatorsGener ..
LM78L12A ,3-Terminal 0.1A Positive Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics(MC78L05A/LM78L05A) (V = 10V, I = 40mA, 0°C ≤ T ≤ 125°C, C = 0.33µ F, C ..
LM78L12ACM ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsLM78LXX Series 3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsFebruary 2005LM78LXX Series3-Terminal Positive Regulat ..
3-Terminal Positive Regulator
3-Terminal Positive Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM2930 3-terminal positive regulator featuresan ability source150mAof output current withan input-outputdif-
ferentialof 0.6Vor less. Efficientuseoflow input voltages
obtained,for example, froman automotive battery during
cold crank conditions, allows5V circuitrytobe properly pow-
ered with supply voltagesaslowas 5.6V. Familiar regulator
features suchas current limit and thermal overload protec-
tionare also provided.
Designed originallyfor automotive applications,the LM2930
andall regulated circuitryare protected from reverse battery
installationsor2 battery jumps. Duringline transients, sucha load dump(40V) whenthe input voltagetothe regulator
can momentarily exceedthe specified maximum operating
voltage,the regulatorwill automatically shut downto protect
both internal circuits andthe load. The LM2930 cannotbe
harmedby temporary mirror-image insertion.
Fixed outputsof5V and8Vare availableinthe plastic
TO-220and TO-263 power packages.
Features Input-output differential less than 0.6V Output currentin excessof150mA Reverse battery protection 40V load dump protection Internal short circuit current limit Internal thermal overload protection Mirror-image insertion protectionP+ Product Enhancement tested
Voltage RangeLM2930T-5.0: 5V
LM2930T-8.0: 8V
LM2930S-5.0: 5V
LM2930S-8.0: 8V
Connection Diagrams
Plastic PackageDS005539-1
Front View
Order Number LM2930T-5.0or LM2930T-8.0
SeeNS Package Number T03B
Plastic Surface-Mount PackageDS005539-7
Top ViewDS005539-8
Side View
Order Number LM2930S-5.0or LM2930S-8.0
SeeNS Package Number TS3BApril 1998
Regulator©1998NationalSemiconductor Corporation DS005539