LM2904AVQPWRG4Q1 ,Automotive Catalog Dual Operational Amplifier 8-TSSOP -40 to 125LM2904-Q1DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSLOS414F − MAY 2003 − REVISED APRIL 2008 Qualified for Automoti ..
LM2904AVQPWRQ1 ,Dual General-Purpose Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
LM2904AYDT ,Low power, bipolar op-ampLM2904, LM2904ALow-power dual operational amplifierDatasheet - production data Wide bandwidth (uni ..
LM2904D ,DUAL DIFFERENTIAL INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSOrder this document by LM358/D * ** ** ** *DUAL DIFFERENTIAL INPUTUtilizing the circuit designs pe ..
LM2904DG4 ,Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 125Features 2 Applications1• Wide Supply Ranges • Blu-ray Players and Home Theaters– Single Supply: 3 ..
LM2904DGKR ,Dual General-Purpose Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings.. 411 Layout.... 156.2 ESD Ratings........ 411.1 Layout Guidelines.... 156.3 Recomm ..
LM77CIMX-3/NOPB ,?1.5?C Temperature Sensor with Alert Function and I2C/SMBus Interface 8-SOIC -55 to 125electrical specifications do notapply when operating the device beyond its rated operating conditio ..
LM77CIMX-5 ,9-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfaceFeaturesn Window comparison simplifies design of ACPIThe LM77 is a digital temperature sensor and t ..
LM77CIMX-5/NOPB ,?1.5?C Temperature Sensor with Alert Function and I2C/SMBus Interface 8-SOIC -55 to 125Temperature-to-Digital Converter CharacteristicsUnless otherwise noted, these specifications apply ..
LM7805 ,3-Terminal 1A Positive Voltage RegulatorMC78XX/LM78XX/MC78XXA3-Terminal 1A Positive Voltage Regulator
LM7805A ,3-TERMINAL 1A POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORSThe LM78XX series of three-terminal positive regulators are available inthe TO-220/D-PAK package an ..
LM7805C ,Voltage Regulatorsapplications. One of these is local on card bypassing is needed only if the regulator is located fa ..
Supply Voltage... 0.7 mA Typ Common-Mode Input Voltage Range
Includes Ground, Allowing Direct Sensing
Near Ground Differential Input Voltage Range Equal to
Maximum-Rated Supply Voltage:
− Non-V Devices... ±26 V
− V-Suffix Devices... ±32 V
Low Input Bias and Offset Parameters:
− Input Offset Voltage ...3 mV Typ
− Input Offset Current ...2 nA Typ
− Input Bias Current... 20 nA Typ
description/ordering informationThis device consists of two independent, high-gain, frequency-compensated operational amplifiers designed
to operate from a single supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split supplies is possible as long
as the difference between the two supplies is 3 V to 26 V (3 V to 32 V for V-suffix devices), and VCC is at least
1.5 V more positive than the input common-mode voltage. The low supply-current drain is independent of the
magnitude of the supply voltage.
Applications include transducer amplifiers, dc amplification blocks, and all the conventional operational
amplifier circuits that now can be implemented more easily in single-supply-voltage systems. For example,
these devices can be operated directly from the standard 5-V supply used in digital systems and easily provide
the required interface electronics without additional ±5-V supplies.
The LM2904Q is manufactured to demanding automotive requirements.
ORDERING INFORMATION� For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document,
or see the TI web site at http://www.ti.com. Package drawings, thermal data, and symbolization are available at http://www.ti.com/packaging.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.