LM2903M/NOPB ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings(1)(2)(3)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX U ..
LM2903MEP ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorApplicationsSupportOrdering InformationPART NUMBER VID PART NUMBER NS PACKAGE NUMBER (Note 3)LM2903 ..
LM2903MX ,Dual ComparatorLM2903/LM2903I,LM393/LM393A, LM293/LM293ADual Differential Comparator
LM2903N ,Dual ComparatorMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitPower Supply Voltage V +36 or ±18 VdcCCInput Differential Vo ..
LM2903N/NOPB ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator 8-PDIP -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics: LMx93 and LM2903 (V+ =12.4 Glossary. 19(1)5 V) . 713 Mechanical, Packag ..
LM2903NG , Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators
LM75CIM3 ,Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog with Two-Wire InterfaceFeaturesn Electronic Test Equipmentn SOP-8 and Mini SOP-8 (MSOP) packages save space2n I C Bus inte ..
LM75CIM3 ,Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog with Two-Wire Interfaceapplications. These include thermal management and pro-
LM75CIM3 ,Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog with Two-Wire InterfaceApplicationstection
LM75CIM3 ,Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog with Two-Wire InterfaceLM75 Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog with Two-Wire InterfaceFebruary 2004LM75Digita ..
LM75-CIM3 ,Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog with Two-Wire InterfaceBlock Diagram012658012®I C is a registered trademark of Philips Corporation. 2004 National Semicond ..
LM75CIM-3 ,Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog with Two-Wire InterfaceGeneral Descriptionn Power up defaults permit stand-alone operation asThe LM75 is a temperature sen ..
Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator
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LMx93-N, LM2903-N Low-Power, Low-Offset Voltage, Dual Comparators Features 3 DescriptionThe LM193-N series consists of two independent Wide Supply precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage– Voltage Range: 2.0Vto 36V specification as low as 2.0 mV max for two Singleor Dual Supplies: ±1.0Vto ±18V comparators which were designed specifically to
operate froma single power supply overa wide range• Very Low Supply Current Drain (0.4 mA)— of voltages. Operation from split power suppliesisIndependentof Supply Voltage also possible and the low power supply current drain• Low Input Biasing Current:25 nA is independentof the magnitudeof the power supply• Low Input Offset Current:±5 nA voltage. These comparators also havea unique
characteristicin that the input common-mode voltage• Maximum Offset voltage: ±3 mV range includes ground, even though operated froma• Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Includes single power supply voltage.Ground
Application areas include limit comparators, simple• Differential Input Voltage Range Equalto the analogto digital converters; pulse, squarewave andPower Supply Voltage time delay generators; wide range VCO; MOS clock• Low Output Saturation Voltage: 250 mVat4 mA timers; multivibrators and high voltage digital logic Output Voltage Compatible with TTL, DTL, ECL, gates. The LM193-N series was designedto directly
interface with TTL and CMOS. When operated fromMOS and CMOS logic systems
both plus and minus power supplies, the LM19-N• Availablein the 8-Bump (12 mil) DSBGA Package series will directly interface with MOS logic where• See AN-1112 (SNVA009) for DSBGA their low power drainisa distinct advantage overConsiderations standard comparators. Advantages The LM393 and LM2903 parts are availablein TI’s– High Precision Comparators innovative thin DSBGA package with8 (12 mil) large
bumps.– Reduced VOS Drift Over Temperature Eliminates Need for Dual Supplies
Device Information(1) Allows Sensing Near Ground– Compatible withAll Formsof Logic– Power Drain Suitablefor Battery Operation
2 Applications Battery powered applications (1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.• Industrial applications
Simplified Schematic