LM2878P ,LM2878 Dual 5 Watt Power Audio AmplifierFeaturesYWide operating range 6V–32VThe LM2878 is a high voltage stereo power amplifier de-Ysignedt ..
LM2878P. ,LM2878 Dual 5 Watt Power Audio AmplifierApplicationsFrequencyResponseofBassToneControlTL/H/7934–2TL/H/7934–1FIGURE1.StereoPhonographAmplifi ..
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LM7121 ,175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback Amplifierapplications. YTiny SOT23-5 packageÐtypical circuit layout takes halfthe space of SO-8 designsThe L ..
LM7121IM ,175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback AmplifierFeatures 3 DescriptionThe LM7121 is a high performance operational1• (Typical Unless Otherwise Note ..
LM7121IM5 ,175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback AmplifierApplicationstable electronic devices, such as cameras, and PC videocards. Tiny amplifiers are so sm ..
LM7121IM5 ,175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback AmplifierElectrical Characteristics (Continued)+ −= = = = = >Unless otherwise specified, all limits guarante ..
LM7121IM5X ,175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback AmplifierFeaturesThe LM7121 is a high performance operational amplifier (Typical unless otherwise noted) V = ..
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LM2878 Dual 5 Watt Power Audio Amplifier
December 1994
LM2878 Dual5 Watt Power Audio Amplifier
General Description
The LM2878isa high voltage stereo power amplifierde-
signedto deliver 5W/channel continuousinto8X loads.The
amplifieris idealforuse withlow regulation power supplies
duetothe absolute maximum ratingof35Vandits superior
power supply rejection.The LM2878is designedto operate
withalow numberof external components,andstill provide
flexibilityforusein stereo phonographs, taperecorders,and
AM-FM stereo receivers. The flexibilityofthe LM2878al-
lowsittobe usedasa power operational amplifier, power
comparatoror servo amplifier. The LM2878is internally
compensatedforall gains greater than10,and comesinan
11-lead single-in-line package (SIP).The packagehas been
redesigned, resultinginthe slightly degraded thermal char-
acteristics showninthe figure Device Dissipationvs Ambi-
ent Temperature.
Features Wide operating range 6V–32V 5W/channel output60dB ripple rejection, output referred70dB channel separation, output referred Low crossover distortionAC short circuit protected Internal thermal shutdown
Applications Stereo phonographs AM-FM radio receivers Powerop amp, power comparator Servo amplifiers
Typical Applications
ofBassTone Control
Frequency Response
FIGURE1. Stereo Phonograph Amplifier withBassToneControl
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.