LM385M3-1.2 ,Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeLM185-1.2/LM285-1.2/LM385-1.2 Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeMay 2003LM185-1.2/LM285-1.2/LM385-1 ..
LM385M3-1.2/NOPB ,Micropower Voltage Reference Diode 3-SOT-23 0 to 70THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSThermal Resistance TO-92 TO SOIC SOT-23180°C/W (0.4″ leads)θ (junction to am ..
LM385M3-2.5 ,Micropower Voltage Reference Diodeapplicationsrequiring 1.2V see LM185-1.2.Connection DiagramsTO-92Plastic Package SO Package00551908 ..
LM385M3-2.5 ,Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeLM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM385-2.5 Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeDecember 1999LM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM ..
LM385M3-2.5 ,Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeLM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM385-2.5 Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeDecember 1999LM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM ..
LM385M3X-1.2 ,Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeLM185-1.2/LM285-1.2/LM385-1.2 Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeMay 2003LM185-1.2/LM285-1.2/LM385-1 ..
LMV822IDGKR ,Dual, Low-Voltage, Low Power, RRO
LMV822M ,Low Voltage, Low Power, RRO, 5 MHz Op AmpsLMV821 / LMV822 / LMV824 Single/Dual Quad Low Voltage, Low Power, RRO, 5 MHz Op AmpsNovember 2003LM ..
LMV822MM ,Low Voltage, Low Power, RRO, 5 MHz Op AmpsLMV821 / LMV822 / LMV824 Single/Dual Quad Low Voltage, Low Power, RRO, 5 MHz Op AmpsNovember 2003LM ..
LMV822MM/NOPB ,Low Voltage, Low Power, RRO, 5 MHz Op Amps 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Features... 17.3 Feature Description.... 192 Applications..... 17.4 Device Functional Modes.... 193 ..
LMV822MM/NOPB ,Low Voltage, Low Power, RRO, 5 MHz Op Amps 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LMV821/LMV822/LMV824 op amps bring1• Qualified for Automotive Application ..
LMV822MMX ,Low Voltage, Low Power, RRO, 5 MHz Op AmpsMaximum Ratings.. 59 Power Supply Recommendations.... 286.2 ESD Ratings........ 510 Layout.... 296. ..
Micropower Voltage Reference Diode
Micropower V oltage Reference Diode
General DescriptionThe LM185-1.2/LM285-1.2/LM385-1.2 are micropower
2-terminal band-gap voltage regulator diodes. Operating
overa 10µAto 20mA current range, they feature exception-
ally low dynamic impedance and good temperature stability.
On-chip trimmingis usedto provide tight voltage tolerance.
Sincethe LM185-1.2 band-gap reference uses only transis-
tors and resistors, low noise and good long term stability
Careful designof the LM185-1.2 has made the device ex-
ceptionally tolerantof capacitive loading, makingit easyto
usein almost any reference application. The wide dynamic
operating range allowsits use with widely varying supplies
with excellent regulation.
The extremely low power drainof the LM185-1.2 makesit
usefulfor micropower circuitry. Thisvoltagereference canbe
usedto make portable meters, regulatorsor general purpose
analog circuitry with batterylife approaching shelf life.
Further,the wide operating current allowsitto replace older
references witha tighter tolerance part.
The LM185-1.2is ratedfor operation overa −55˚Cto 125˚C
temperature range while the LM285-1.2is rated −40˚Cto
85˚C and the LM385-1.2 0˚Cto 70˚C. The LM185-1.2/
LM285-1.2 are availableina hermetic TO-46 package and
the LM285-1.2/LM385-1.2 are also availableina low-cost
TO-92 molded package,as wellas SO and SOT-23. The
LM185-1.2is also availableina hermetic leadless chip
carrier package.
Features ±1% and 2% initial tolerance Operating currentof 10µAto 20mA 1Ω dynamic impedance Low temperature coefficient Low voltage reference—1.235V 2.5V device and adjustable device also available LM185-2.5 series and LM185 series, respectively
Connection Diagrams
Plastic Package(Z) SOT23Bottom View
Order Number LM285Z-1.2,
LM285BXZ-1.2, LM285BYZ-1.2
LM385Z-1.2, LM385BZ-1.2
LM385BXZ-1.2or LM385BYZ-1.2
See NS Package Number Z03A
00551833Pin3is attachedtotheDie AttachPad (DAP)and shouldbe connectedPin2orleft floating.
Order Number LM385M3-1.2
SeeNS Package Number MF03AMay 2003